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United States Department of the Interior

Cape Wind Home Page
Executive Summary
Cape Wind Draft Environmental Impact Statement--This is the full DEIS. Click on "Table of Contents" to navigate through the document.
Cape Wind DEIS Appendix A
Cape Wind DEIS Appendix B
Cape Wind DEIS Appendix C
Cape Wind DEIS Appendix D
Cape Wind DEIS Appendix E
Cape Wind DEIS Appendix F

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Photograph of offshore inspectors.Photograph of a seabird.Photograph of an ice island.Photograph of a fish.Photograph of a platform at sunset.Photograph of fish feeding beneath a platform.Photograph of a welder working on an offshore platform.
Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Program


The Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service Releases
Cape Wind Energy Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement

03-11-2008: The MMS is extending the public cOEMMent period on the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for the Cape Wind Energy Project for an additional 30 days to April 21, 2008.  The extension is in response to requests from the public for more time to review the document.  The MMS released the Cape Wind DEIS for public review on January 11, 2008.

bullet Cape Wind Draft Environmental Impact Statement (5611.92KB) PDF document
(NOTE: this link takes you to the complete DEIS online. This is a very large document which will take some time to load. Once open, use the Table of Contents to navigate through the document.  The links below are to appendices contained within the DEIS. All DEIS files are in Adobe's Portable Document File (PDF) format.)
bullet Executive Summary (928.26KB)
bullet DEIS Appendix A - Draft EIS Mailing List  (119.76 KB)
bullet DEIS Appendix B - List of Figures and Tables  (317.40 KB)
bullet DEIS Appendix C - Information on Threatened and Endangered Species  (1597.55 KB)
bullet DEIS Appendix D - EFH Assessment  (1234.95 KB)
bullet DEIS Appendix E - Agency Correspondence  (12755.77 KB)
bullet DEIS Appendix F  - Economic Model (1136.78 KB)
bullet Press Release
bullet Notice of Availability of DEIS (Federal Register notice will be available January 17) (PDF file)
bullet Cape Wind Home Page

The Interior Department Releases Alternative Energy Environmental Impact Statement and Announces Offshore Alternative Energy Initiative:
MMS Requests Information and Nominations
of Areas for Alternative Energy Leases

11-5-2007: The Secretary of the Interior released the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Program. Important links to more information are listed below.

bullet Press Release
bullet Notice of Availability of EIS (Federal Register notice) (PDF file)
bullet Request for Info and Nominations of Areas for Leases for  Alternative Energy (60 KB PDF file))
bullet Environmental Impact Statement
bullet MMS Public Connect online cOEMMenting system

An offshore wind farmUnder the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) the Minerals Management Service ( MMS) is responsible for managing alternate-energy related uses of America’s offshore public lands, also known as the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).  Such uses include activities that

(1) produce or support production, transportation, or transmission of energy from sources other than oil and gas, or

(2) use, for energy-related or other authorized marine-related purposes, facilities currently or previously used for activities authorized under the OCS Lands Act. 

The MMS has the discretionary authority to issue leases, easements, or rights-of-way on the OCS for these uses.  This authority does not apply to  areas located within the exterior boundaries of any unit of a National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, National Marine Sanctuary System, or any National Monument on the OCS.   

The MMS is in the process of developing proposed regulations intended to encourage orderly, safe, and environmentally responsible development of alternative energy resources and alternate use of facilities on the OCS.  Likewise, the MMS is preparing a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that examines the interface between the marine and human environment and the technologies and activities that generate energy from ocean alternative energy resources.  The EIS supports the regulatory program that MMS is developing.  In addition, the MMS is the process of evaluating two pre-existing proposals for OCS alternative energy wind projects that EPAct identified in section 388(d).

This program is administered by the Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Program Office within Offshore Energy and Minerals Management.

                        Contact:  Maureen A. Bornholdt, Program Manager
                                       Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Program Office
                                       Minerals Management Service, Mail Stop 4080
                                       381 Elden St.
                                       Herndon, VA 20170-4817

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Last Updated: 08/01/2008, 02:19:28 PM