Power-Pak C.E.
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Professions: Topics:
September 21, 2008
For more CE topics, click here to go to uspharmacist.com
First Time User
Welcome to Power-Pak C.E.® Online!

Our online CE courses are offered to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to assist them in meeting the CE requirements of relicensure and/or certification. To participate in our online courses, simply read the course you are interested in and submit your answers to the exam. You will receive instantaneous grading of your exam. Upon successful completion of an exam (a score of 70% or higher), a Certificate of Completion will appear on screen for you to print. You are permitted two attempts to successfully complete each course.

As a participant of Power-Pak C.E., you will be able to access a history of the exams you participate in through our publications. Log in to the site as directed on the home page and simply click on Exam History to view your record.

If you have participated in Power-Pak C.E.® courses before, you have a record in our database already. Please proceed to a different menu item. If you have never participated in a Power-Pak C.E.® course, please register by clicking here.

Home Page and Architecture
This site features the following options on its menu bars:

  • My Profile - allows you to view the personal information we have for you in our database
  • Exam Directions - explains how to participate in our online CE courses
  • FAQ - read the answers to some frequently asked questions
  • Update Profile - allows you to update the personal information we have for you in our database
  • Exam History - access your online exam history

To access an item, place your cursor over the item and click. Follow the directions given for each item.

System Requirements
While the system was designed to allow almost everyone access, it is best accessed using a 166 mHz or higher computer with either Netscape 6.0 or greater or Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater. Your browser must be set to accept cookies.

Power-Pak C.E.® staff are available for any questions/concerns you may have:

Click here to register as a new participant.

Copyright © 1997 - 2008 Jobson Medical Information LLC / Power-Pak C.E.® unless otherwise noted.
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.