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Class Syllabus (typical)

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NOTE: This class outline is a representative sample of the classes taught in the Albuquerque Citizen Police Academy. Occasional changes and/or substitutions are made.

Classes are generally held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings between 6:00 and 9:00 PM
at the Roger A. Hoisington Jr. Training Academy.



1 Welcome!
Community Policing
History of APD
2 Communications/911
Recruiting and Selection
Crime Prevention
3 Patrol/Traffic/Bike/SRO Units
4 Use of Force
5 Arrest and Control
6 Legal Department
Deadly Force
7 Occult/Satanic
8 D.W.I.
Bat Mobile
9 Canine Unit Demonstration
10 Special Weapons and Tactics
11 Domestic Violence
12 Gangs
13 Narcotics
14 Criminalistics
Field Investigations
15 Violent Crimes
16 Air Unit
17 R.O.P. / Vice Unit
18 Graduation!
Mayor/Police Chief and Family

In addition to the class presentations, students are encouraged to take part in one or more of the following activities:

Ride with a patrol officer on a day and shift that is most accommodating to both the student and the officer. A waiver of liability must be signed by anyone wanting to participate in the ride-along. See the Ride-Along Rules of Conduct and the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.

ICAT simulator
See how your training is paying off by pitting your knowledge of handling simulated real-life incidents. You might have to resolve a domestic dispute, tame an unruly drunk, or handle any of several other situations. Find out first hand how you would react to what could easily become a life or death situation!

Communications/911 Tour
Tour the Communications facility and see what the 911 and Radio operators go through every day. Could you handle it?

Firearms Range
Take a shot (literally) at firing a real police weapon on the APD Firearms Range. See if you can hit the target with two quickly placed shots inside a circle no bigger than a coffee saucer.

Please submit comments or questions to Officer Gerald Sandoval, CPA Coordinator, at (505) 343-5009.

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