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The concept of the Citizen Police Academy was developed in 1977, by the Devon and Cornwall, England Constabulary. Its purpose was to familiarize private citizens with the nature of police work.

The idea came about when citizens told their local police agencies that they were anxious to learn about how their police department operated. Once the agency decided to explore the possibility, it became apparent that even the most affluent and well disposed members of the public were almost totally ignorant of the features of police work.

The people who attended the academy came from every walk of life, and they quickly developed an eagerness to learn and participate. The academy also built a bridge between the community and law enforcement.

The first law enforcement agency in the United States to adopt the program was the Orlando (Florida) Police Department. In 1985, Orlando began what would become a national model. Since then, many major cities in the United States have established them.

Albuquerque has their own Citizen Police Academy. The first academy was held in January of 1995. Currently, there are three academies held each year. Law enforcement has always strived to improve the public's perception of police, and to increase the understanding that the community has for our practices and procedures.

APD AcademyClasses are taught at the Roger A. Hoisington Jr. Training Academy on Second Street (just south of Montano Road, directly east of the Gerald Cline Memorial sub-station); the same facility used to instruct APD officers and cadets.

The Citizen Police Academy offers police the opportunity to show the public the police applicant selection and training process, advanced training requirements, operational procedures, tactics, and efforts to provide professional law enforcement.

The Citizen Police Academy is part of an ongoing effort to promote a cohesive partnership between the Albuquerque Police Department and the community it serves.

Please submit comments or questions to Officer Gerald Sandoval, CPA Coordinator, at (505) 343-5009.

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