Chi-Chang’s Corner

NSLS-II CD-I and Light Source Workshops Energize User Community

August 2, 2007

Chi-Chang Kao
NSLS Department Chair

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The last few weeks have brought an overwhelming number of productive workshops, successful events, and good news to the NSLS. First, I want to congratulate everyone involved in the NSLS-II project, which recently achieved Critical Decision 1 (CD-1) status. This great news was delivered during the first NSLS-II Users Workshop, where more than 450 participants learned about the latest design and status of the project, the process for beamline development, and the plans for transitioning from NSLS to NSLS-II. I was glad to see so many enthusiastic users at the workshop’s technique- and science-based breakout sessions. Your input will continue to be important during the design of new beamlines for NSLS-II and the development of the transition plan, and I hope you’ll return for follow-up workshops in the coming months.

I have received extremely positive feedback about our first Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Professors' Workshop, which was held on July 19-20. Eleven professors from nine institutions came to the NSLS for the workshop, which concluded with the formation of an HBCU User Consortium. I look forward to welcoming the return of these professors to the NSLS with their students and colleagues to conduct experiments and take advantage the connections they’ve made. Many thanks go to NSLS scientists Lisa Miller and Ron Pindak and Noel Blackburn, from BNL's Office of Educational Programs, for organizing what I expect is just the first of many similar events.

More than 700 community members received an inside look at the NSLS on July 15 during another successful Summer Sunday. This event wouldn’t be possible without the help of the more than 65 NSLS staff members, users, friends, and family who volunteered. Again, thank you.

This month, an audit team will visit Brookhaven to learn how Integrated Safety Management (ISM) programs are implemented throughout the Laboratory. ISM principles are well implemented at the NSLS and are the key to safe and efficient operation of the facility. I’m sure that the auditors will see that. To prepare, I ask all staff and users to ensure that their training is up to date, and to review the ISM safety moments on our website. Remember, "All work is planned" and "All workers are qualified."

The National Science Foundation recently awarded $550,000 to develop a new silicon detector for x-ray spectroscopy at the NSLS. The detector system, proposed by researchers from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, the NSLS and the University of Tennessee, will produce at least a 50-fold increase in signal processing capability while maintaining high-energy resolution. NJIT is providing an additional $120,000 for equipment and support services.

Finally, a team of NSLS and BNL researchers used the Source Development Lab to generate 100 microjoule single-cycle terahertz pulses – the highest energy ever achieved to date with THz radiation. This extremely intense THz radiation is likely to open up new research areas in ultrafast science and high-field materials science. The team also made the first observations of a phenomenon called cross-phase modulation with this high-intensity light. You can find more information about the research in this issue of eNews.