Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual




Effective Date:  9/22/06

Series:  Real Property

Part 425:  Space Management

Chapter 5:  Occupancy and Asset Management


Originating Office:  Office of Acquisition and Property Management


425 DM 5


5.1     Purpose.  This chapter provides policy for evaluating space needs in existing facilities using a consistent, cyclical process.


5.2     Policy.  In accordance with the requirements of the AMP, space utilization shall be continually assessed to determine whether the facility continues to support bureau or office mission needs and strategic plans.  Opportunities for replacement, collocation, consolidation, disposal/lease termination and other actions shall be identified and considered in accordance with 425 DM 2.


5.3     Responsibilities. 


          A.      Bureau and Office Directors are responsible for ensuring that their bureau or office has a process in place to provide for management that includes the following:


                   (1)     Coordinating space needs across organizational, bureau, and Departmental lines;


                   (2)     Promoting “One Stop” consolidation of public contact operations through collocation;


                   (3)     Monitoring of warranties of specialized or government funded equipment;


                   (4)     Providing oversight of the operation and maintenance by government or private landlords;


                   (5)     Ensuring that space utilization and changes are consistent with the multi-year plan and that all decisions are approved by the bureau or office investment entity prior to deployment;


                   (6)     Enforcing Departmental guidance on condition assessment and deferred maintenance planning;


                   (7)     Enforcing Departmental guidance on space utilization rates;


                   (8)     Encouraging alternative work space where practical (e.g., hoteling, semi-private {doubled} offices, and telework);


                    (9)     Reviewing lease provisions including landlord performance; and


                   (10)   Ensuring space requirement financial considerations adhere to Interior’s Federal Real Property Financial Management Policy.


                   (11)   Ensuring consistent, accurate reporting of all space (owned, direct leased or otherwise managed) into the Federal Real Property Profile in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Real Property Council.


          B.      The Office of Acquisition and Property Management is responsible for providing oversight to ensure compliance.


9/22/06 #3730
