United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Douglas McKalip, Director, Legislative and Public Affairs

Updated 11/28/2005

Douglas McKalipDouglas McKalip is the Director of the Legislative and Public Affairs Division, which was created in November 2005 and includes:

  • Conservation Correspondence
  • Legislative Affairs
  • Executive Communications
  • State and Field Communications
  • Intergovernmental Affairs

Prior to this appointment, Doug served as NRCS Director of the Legislative Affairs Staff and has been with the agency since 1994.

Doug has a Masters Degree in Government (1995) from American University in Washington and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science (1993) from the University of Pittsburgh, where he was President of the Political Science Honor Society. He was also named a Legislative Fellow for U.S. Senator Arlen Specter during the 102nd Congress, where he handled issues related to Taxes and the Budget. Doug also served as an intern in the White House from 1994 to 1995.

In 1998, he was selected as a Berg Fellow by the Soil and Water Conservation Society. Doug is a native of rural, Northwest Pennsylvania and now resides with his wife, Debbie, daughter Brooke and son Brendan, in Washington, D.C.

Contact Information for Legislative and Public Affairs Division