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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Filing a Citizen Complaint

It is policy of the Albuquerque Police Department to investigate all valid complaints and take whatever action is necessary to maintain the integrity of the department.

Steps in Filing a Citizen Complaint

Citizens are encouraged to bring any question or concern about procedures to the attention of the Police Department, at any listed location. An attempt to formally address your concerns will be made by the employee’s supervisor. Complaints may be made informally through the employee’s chain of command or formally. The steps for filing a formal written complaint are as follows:

  1. A citizen wishing to file a formal complaint should complete a written complaint form. These forms may be obtained at any substation or at the Internal Affairs Unit (400 Marquette NW, Old City Hall 1st floor). A Citizen Police Complaint (CPC) number will be assigned to each complaint.
  2. In most cases, a copy of the written complaint will be sent to the individual against whom the complaint was filed within seven working days.
  3. If a complaint warrants further investigation, the Independent Review Officer will assign the case to the Internal Affairs Unit or to an outside investigator.
  4. Once the investigation is complete the Independent Review Officer, Chief of Police or his designate shall review all findings and determine the appropriate action to be taken.
  5. Most investigations and findings are completed within 60 days after the complaint has been filed. However, the Chief of Police may request a 30 extension from the Public Safety Director if the case requires additional attention.
  6. Citizens filing complaints will receive a written notice of the disposition through certified mail. This notification will inform citizens of their right to appeal the decision to the Police Oversight Commission (POC).Any questions you have concerning the complaint process may be directed to the Internal Affairs Unit at 768-2880.

Citizens must be aware of the city ordinance which governs false reports and states that it is unlawful for any person to intentionally make or file with any law enforcement agency any false, misleading, or unfounded report or statement.

Where to Obtain Complaint Forms

Independent Review Office (on-line complaint form available)

John Carrillo Memorial Substation
8201 Osuna NE,(Wyoming/Osuna)
7:30 am - 10:30 pm

Phil Chacon Memorial Substation
800 Louisiana SE (Louisiana/Kathryn)
7:30 am - 10:30 pm

Shawn McWethy Memorial Substation
6404 Los Volcanos NW (N. Coors/Los Volcanos)
7:30 am - 10:30 pm

Gerald Cline Memorial Substation
5408 Second St. NW (Second/Montano)
7:30 am - 10:30 pm

Chief's Office Law Enforcement Center
400 Roma NW (5th floor)
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Jeff Russell Memorial Substation
12800 Lomas NE
7:30 am - 10:30 pm

Internal Affairs Old City Hall
400 Marquette NW, Rm 102 (1st floor)
7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Mayor's Office City County Building
1 Civic Plaza (11th floor)
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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