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  Scientific & Technical Publications
Gulf of Mexico Region—1994 to Present

Titles are listed alphabetically below; links are provided to abstracts or full text when available. These files can be downloaded and read using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To order copies, contact either the Gulf Region or the National Technical Information Service listed in each citation:

Gulf of Mexico Region (GOM)
Public Information Office, MS 5034
Gulf of Mexico Region
Minerals Management Service
1201 Elmwood Park Blvd.
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FAX (504) 736-2620
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
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2000 assessment of conventionally recoverable hydrocarbon resources of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf as of January 1, 1999.
G.L. Lore, D.A. Marin, E.C. Batchelder, W.C. Courtwright, R.P. Desselles, Jr., and R.J. Kilazinski. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM as CD Rom only. OCS Report, MMS 2001-087

Abundance and distribution of sea turtles off North Carolina. J.A. Keinath. Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 1996. U.S. DOI. 156 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB96-185772. OCS Study, MMS 95-0024  abstract

Active leases and infrastructure (GOM OCS) (October 2001). W.W. Times. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Map, MMS 2001-072

Air quality and dispersion meteorology over the northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Measurements, analysis, and synthesis. S.A. Hsu et al. Coastal Marine Institute. 2000. U.S. DOI. 188 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2000-014

Air quality: User's guide for the Gulfwide offshore activities data system (GOADS). Darcy Wilson et al. Eastern Research Group, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 94 p. (GOM) Available on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-052

Analysis of ambient pollutant concentrations and meteorological conditions affecting EPA class I and II areas in southeastern Louisiana. S.A. Hsu. Coastal Marine Institute, Louisiana State University. 1996. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS Study:
        Vol. I, technical report. 137 p. (NTIS PB97-185896) MMS 96-0062
        Vol. II, appendices. 355 p. (NTIS PB97-185839) MMS 96-0063

Assessment of conventionally recoverable hydrocarbon resources of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf, as of January 1, 1995. G.L. Lore, K.M. Ross, B.J. Bascle, L.D. Nixon, and R.J. Klazynski. 1999. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM as CD ROM or as web file. OCS Report, MMS 99-0034  (This is a large report; however, this link takes you to a page that breaks the report down into three PDF files for easier downloading).

Assessment of historical, social, and economic impacts of OCS development on Gulf coast communities. Barbara Wallace et al. TechLaw, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Study:
     Vol. I: Executive summary. 12 p. MMS 2001-026
     Vol. II: Narrative report. 544 p. MMS 2001-027

Assessment of PAH composition of diesel fuel sorbed to marine sediments and their toxicity to aquatic food webs. K.R. Carman et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 30 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB99-134058. OCS Study, MMS 98-0057

Atlas of Gulf of Mexico gas and oil sands as of January 1, 1999. B.J. Bascle, L.D. Nixon, K.M. Ross. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM as CD ROM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-086  abstract

Backfilling canals as a wetland restoration technique in coastal Louisiana. R.E. Turner et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1994. U.S. DOI. 44 p. Available from NTIS PB94-217551. OCS Study, MMS 94-0026  abstract

Bioavailability and genotoxicity of produced water discharges associated with offshore production operations. G.W. Winston et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1995. U.S. DOI. 112 p. Available from NTIS PB95-221875. OCS Study, MMS 95-0020 abstract

Biodegradation of aromatic heterocycles from petroleum-produced water and pyrogenic sources in marine sediments. W.J. Catallo. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute, Laboratory of Ecological Chemistry. 2000. U.S. DOI. 28 p. Available from GOM (limited supply). OCS Study, MMS 2000-060

Brief overview of Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas pipelines: Installation, potential impacts, and mitigation measures. Deborah Cranswick. 2001.U.S. DOI. 19 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-067

Cetaceans, sea turtles, and seabirds in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Distribution, abundance, and habitat associations. R.W. Davis et al. Texas A&M University. 2000. U.S. DOI. (GOM) Available on the web. OCS Study:
        Vol. I: Executive summary. 27 p. MMS 2000-002
        Vol. II: Technical report. 346 p. MMS 2000-003
        Vol. III: Data appendix. 201 p. Available from GOM (limited supply). MMS 2000-004

Characteristics and possible impacts of a restructured OCS oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico. Ruth Seydlitz et al. Coastal Marine Institute, Louisiana State University. 1995. U.S. DOI. 204 p. Available from NTIS PB96-143227. OCS Study, MMS 95-0055  abstract

Characterization and trends of recreational and commercial fishing from the Florida Panhandle. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. 1997. U.S. DOI. 333 p. (GOM) Available from NTIS PB98-141930. OCS Study, MMS 97-0020

Chemistry in the Gulf of Mexico: A teacher’s companion. M.C. Boatman. 2001. U.S. DOI. 21 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-066

Chemosynthetic ecosystems study, northern Gulf of Mexico, final report. I.R. MacDonald et al. Texas A&M University. 1996. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS Study:
        Vol. 1, executive summary. 23 p. (NTIS PB96-185780) MMS 95-0021
        Vol. 2, technical report. 319 p. (NTIS PB96-185798) MMS 95-0022
        Vol. 3, appendices. 341 p. (NTIS PB96-185806) MMS 95-0023

Coastal currents in northern Gulf of Mexico, Dixie County, Florida, to the U.S.-Mexico border. S.P. Dinnel et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1997. U.S. DOI. 113 p. Available from NTIS PB97-185847. OCS Study, MMS 97-0005  abstract

Coastal marine environmental modeling. Masamichi Inoue et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 133 p. Available from NTIS PB99-167371. OCS Study, MMS 98-0052  abstract

Coastal upwelling and mass mortalities of fishes and invertebrates in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico during spring and summer 1998, final report. S.B. Collard and Alexis Lugo-Fernandez. University of West Florida and Minerals Management Service. 1999. U.S. DOI. 16 p. Available from GOM and as web file. OCS Study, MMS 99-0049

Conoco Lydonia Canyon block 145 No. 1 well, geological and operational summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 44 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-034

Critical review of four types of air quality models pertinent to MMS regulatory and environmental assessment missions. J.C. Chang et al. Earth Tech, Inc. 1998. U.S. DOI. 173 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB99-167363. OCS Study, MMS 98-0050

Cumulative ecological significance of oil and gas structures in the Gulf of Mexico: A Gulf of Mexico fisheries habitat suitability model
. B.J. Gallaway et al. LGL Ecological Research Associates, Inc. 1998. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM (sold as set) or from NTIS. OCS Study:
     Phase II, model description. 109 p. NTIS PB98-141443. MMS 97-0044
     Phase II, user manual. 23 p. NTIS PB98-142292. MMS 97-0043

Cumulative ecological significance of oil and gas structures in the Gulf of Mexico: Information search, synthesis, and ecological modeling. Phase I, final report. LGL Ecological Research Associates, Inc. et al. 1998. U.S. DOI. 130 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB98-142300. OCS Study, MMS 97-0036

Deep sea Gulf of Mexico: An overview and guide, The. B.J. Gallaway et al. LGL Ecological Research Associates, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 27 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2001-065

Deepwater development: A reference document for the deepwater environmental assessment, Gulf of Mexico OCS (1997 through 2007).
J.B. Regg, Staci Atkins, Bill Hauser, Joseph Hennessey, B.J. Kruse, Joan Lowenhaupt, Bob Smith, and Amy White. 2000. U.S. DOI. 94 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2000-015

Deepwater Gulf of Mexico environmental and socioeconomic data search and literature synthesis. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. 2000. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Study:
       Vol. I: Narrative report. 340 p. MMS 2000-049
       Vol. II: Annotated bibliography. 287 p. MMS 2000-050

Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: America's emerging frontier. Richie Baud, Robert Peterson, Carey Doyle, and G.E. Richardson. 2000. U.S. DOI. 89 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2000-022

Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2002: America's expanding frontier. R.D. Baud, R.H. Peterson, G.E. Richardson, L.S. French, Jim Regg, Tara Montgomery, T.S. Williams, Carey Doyle, and Mike Dorner. 2002. U.S. DOI. 148 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2002-021

Deepwater physical oceanography reanalysis and synthesis of historical data, synthesis report. W.D. Nowlin, Jr., et al. Texas A&M University. 2001. U.S. DOI. 514 p. Available from GOM or as a web zip file. OCS Study, MMS 2001-064

Deepwater program: Literature review, environmental risks of chemical products used in Gulf of Mexico deepwater oil and gas operations.
Paul Boehm et al. Arthur D. Little, Inc. et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Study:
        Vol. I, technical report. 325 p. MMS 2001-011
        Vol. II, appendices. 370 p. MMS 2001-012

Deepwater program: Northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope habitats and benthic ecologyYear 1: Interim report. G.T. Rowe et al. Texas A&M University, Engineering Experiment Station. 2001. U.S. DOI. 153 p. Available from NTIS: PB2002-101882. OCS Study, MMS 2001-091

Description of the Gulf of Mexico air quality study data archive
files. Systems Applications International. 1994. U.S. DOI. 35 p. Available from GOM (limited supply) or from NTIS PB96-103239. OCS Study, MMS 94-0046

DeSoto Canyon eddy intrusion study, annual report. Science Applications International Corp. U.S. DOI. Available from NTIS. (GOM) OCS Study:
        Year 1.
1997. 16 p.  NTIS PB98-142276. MMS 97-0028
        Year 2. 1998. 8 p.  NTIS PB99-134074. MMS 98-0053
        Year 3. 1999. 14 p. NTIS PB2000-102391. MMS 99-0051

DeSoto Canyon eddy intrusion study, final report. T.J. Berger et al. Science Applications International Corp. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Study:
        Vol. I: Executive summary. 41 p. MMS 2000-079
        Vol. II: Technical report. 275 p. MMS 2000-080

Destin Dome 56 unit development and production plan and right-of-way pipeline application, draft environmental impact statement. Minerals Management Service. 1999. U.S. DOI. 2 vols. (GOM) Available from NTIS PB 99-167397. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 99-0040

Development and application of a sublethal toxicity test to PAH using marine Harpacticoid Copepods.
J.W. Fleeger et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1999. U.S. DOI. 38 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB99-136244. OCS Study, MMS 99-0001  abstract

Development and characterization of sea anemones as bioindicators of offshore resource exploitation and environmental impact. G.W. Winston et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1999. U.S. DOI. 96 p. Available from NTIS PB2000-101680. OCS Study, MMS 99-0037

Dispersed oil toxicity tests with biological species indigenous to the Gulf of Mexico. K.W. Fucik et al. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. 1994. U.S. DOI. 180 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB95-144671. OCS Study, MMS 94-0021  abstract

Dispersion in broad shallow estuaries: A model study. M. Inoue et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 54 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101924. OCS Study, MMS 2001-054

Distribution and abundance of cetaceans in the north-central and western Gulf of Mexico, final report.
R.W. Davis, et al., eds. Texas Institute of Oceanography, et al. 1996. U.S. DOI. OCS Study:  abstract
        Vol. 1, executive summary. 30 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS
        PB96-194428. MMS 96-0026
        Vol. 2, technical report. 355 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS
        PB96-194436. MMS 96-0027
        Vol. 3, appendices (in 4 parts). 546 p. Available from NTIS: App. A,
        PB96-194444; app. B, PB96-194451; app. C, part 1, PB96-194469; app. C,
        part 2, PB96-194477. MMS 96-0028

Distribution and abundance of marine mammals in the north-central and western Gulf of Mexico. Randall Davis et al. Texas Institute of Oceanography et al. 1994. U.S. DOI. Available from NTIS. OCS Study:  abstract
        Vol. 1, technical report (interim report). 129 p. (NTIS PB95-148250)
        MMS 94-0003
        Vol. 2, appendix (interim report). 812 p. (NTIS PB95-148268) MMS 94-0004

Dominant infaunal communities at risk in shoreline habitats: Burrowing Thalassinid crustacea. D.L. Felder et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1994. U.S. DOI. 86 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB94-217528. OCS Study, MMS 94-0007  abstract

Dynamic height and seawater transport across the Louisiana-Texas shelf break, final report. C.L. Current et al. Coastal Marine Institute. 2000. U.S. DOI. 45 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2000-045

Ecology of live bottom habitats of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico: A community profile.
M.J. Thompson et al. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. 1999. U.S. DOI. 84 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB99-167355. OCS Study, MMS 99-0004 (This is a large file. For best access, right click on the link and download file to your C: drive to open.)

Economic and social consequences of the oil spill in Lake Barre, Louisiana.
Allan Pulsipher et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1999. U.S. DOI. 32 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB2000-101676. OCS Study, MMS 99-0028

Economic effects of coastal Alabama and Destin Dome offshore natural gas exploration, development, and production. J.R. Plater et al. Foster Associates, Inc. 2000. U.S. DOI. 197 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2000-044

Ecosystem analysis of the Louisiana bight and adjacent shelf environments.
R.R. Twilley et al. University of Southwestern Louisiana. 1996. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS Study:  abstract
        Vol. 1: The fate of organic matter and nutrients in the sediments of the  
        Louisiana bight.
124 p. (NTIS PB97-185862) MMS 96-0055
        Vol. 2: Bibliography of ecological studies. 129 p. (NTIS PB97-185870)
        MMS 96-0057

Effect of produced-water discharge on bottom sediment chemistry, final report. R.D. DeLaune et al., eds. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1999. U.S. DOI. 47 p. Available from NTIS PB2000-102392. OCS Study, MMS 99-0060

Effects and management of oil spills in marsh ecosystems, a review produced from a workshop convened July 1996 at McNeese State University. C.E. Proffitt. McNeese State University. 1998. U.S. DOI. 45 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB98-141427. OCS Study, MMS 98-0018  abstract

Effects of bottom water hypoxia on benthic communities of the southeastern Louisiana continental shelf. N.N. Rabalais et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1995. U.S. DOI. 105 p. Available from NTIS PB95-201877. OCS Study, MMS 94-0054  abstract

Effects of offshore oil and gas development: A current awareness bibliography. S.A. Lewandowski, ed. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1994. U.S. DOI. 153 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB95-183455. OCS Study, MMS 94-0062

Effects of oil and gas development: A current awareness bibliography. Chris Hooper-Lane et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Coastal Marine Institute. 1997. U.S. DOI. 119 p. Available from NTIS: PB98-141419. OCS Study, MMS 97-0045

Eighteenth annual Gulf of Mexico information transfer meeting, December 1998, proceedings. Melanie McKay et al. University of New Orleans. 2000. U.S. DOI. 538 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2000-030

Environmental and safety risks of an expanding role for independents on the Gulf of Mexico OCS. A.G. Pulsipher et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 39 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB98-151525. OCS Study, MMS 98-0021  abstract

Environmental impacts of synthetic based drilling fluids. J.M. Neff et al. Battelle Ocean Sciences et al. 2000. U.S. DOI. 121 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2000-064

Estimated proved oil and gas reserves, Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf. J.M. Melancon, S.M. Bacigalupi, C.J. Kinler, D.A. Marin, and M.T. Prendergast. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM, or from NTIS, or on the web. OCS Report:
        December 31, 1993. 1994. 49 p. (NTIS PB95-130977) MMS 94-0045  
        December 31, 1994. 1995. 56 p. (GOM, with diskette, or NTIS PB96-109640)
        MMS 95-0050
        December 31, 1995 (proved and unproved). S.M. Bacigalupi, C.J. Kinler,
        D.A. Marin, and M.T. Prendergast. 1996. 26 p. Available from GOM.
        MMS 96-0061

       December 31, 1996 (proved and unproved). S.M. Bacigalupi, B.J. Bascle,
        C.J. Kinler, and M.T. Prendergast.1998. 26 p. (NTIS PB98-157662)
        MMS 98-0032
December 31, 1997. 2000. 26 p. T.G. Crawford, B.J. Bascle, C.J. Kinler, M.T. Prendergast, and K.M. Ross.  Available from GOM or on the web. MMS 2000-006
December 31, 1998. 25 p. Available from GOM or on the web. MMS 2000-069

Estimation of fisheries impacts due to underwater explosives used to sever and salvage oil and gas platforms in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, final report. G.R. Gitschlag et al. National Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Florida. 2001. U.S. DOI. 80 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2000-087 abstract

Experimental investigation of the effects of aromatic hydrocarbons on a sediment food web. K.R. Carman et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1994. U.S. DOI. 89 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB95-148292. OCS Study, MMS 94-0033  abstract

Exxon Corsair Canyon block 975 No. 1 well, geological and operational summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 49 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-032

Exxon Lydonia Canyon block 133 No. 1 well, geological and operational summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 58 p.(GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-033

Fate and effects of barium and radium-rich fluid emissions from hydrocarbon seeps on the benthic habitats of the Gulf of Mexico offshore Louisiana. Paul Aharon et al. Coastal Marine Institute, Louisiana State University. 2001. U.S. DOI. 141 p. Available on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-004

Fate and effects of nitrogen, oxygen, and sulphur heterocycles (NOSHs) from petroleum and pyrogenic sources in marine sediments.
W.J. Catallo et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1995. U.S. DOI. 72 p. Available from NTIS PB95-201869. OCS Study, MMS 94-0056  abstract

Floating production, storage, and offloading systems in the Gulf of Mexico, proceedings of a workshop, Houston, April 16, 1997. J.B. Regg, comp. 1998. U.S. DOI. 206 p. Available from NTIS PB98-138423. OCS Report, MMS 98-0019

Flower Garden Banks (northwest Gulf of Mexico): Environmental characteristics and human interaction. K.J.P. Deslarzes, ed. 1998. U.S. DOI. 100 p. Available as web file, or from GOM, or from NTIS PB99-134116. OCS Report, MMS 98-0010

Forecasting the number of offshore platforms on the Gulf of Mexico OCS to the year 2023. A.G. Pulsipher et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 52 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2001-013

Georges Bank petroleum exploration, Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf. G.M.Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty. 2000. U.S. DOI. 22 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-031.

Gulf of Mexico air quality study, final report. Systems Applications International. 1995. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS Study:  abstract
        Vol. I, summary of data analysis and modeling. 650 p. (NTIS
        PB96-103247) MMS 95-0038
        Vol. II, data analysis, appendices A-M. 214 p. (NTIS PB96-103254)
        MMS 95-0039
        Vol. III, inventory preparation, appendices N-P. 190 p. (NTIS
        PB96-103262) MMS 95-0040

Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean oil spills in coastal ecosystems: Assessing effects, natural recovery, and progress in remediation research, symposium proceedings. C.E. Proffitt et al. McNeese State University. 1996. U.S. DOI. 245 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB96-185764. OCS Study, MMS 95-0063  abstract

Gulf of Mexico deepwater operations and activities, environmental assessment. Minerals Management Service. 2000. U.S. DOI. 240 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2000-001

Gulf of Mexico fish and fisheries: Bringing together new and recent research, October 2000, proceedings. Melanie McKay et al., eds. University of New Orleans. 2002. U.S. DOI. 706 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Study, MMS 2002-004

Gulf of Mexico marine protected species workshop, June 1999.
Melanie McKay, Judith Nides, Willian Lang, and Debra Vigil, eds. 2001. U.S. DOI. 189 p. Available from GOM,  on the web, or from NTIS: PB2001-105771. OCS Study, MMS 2001-039

Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sales 169, 172, 175, 178, and 182: Central planning area.
Minerals Management Service. 1997. U.S. DOI. Available from NTIS. OCS EIS/EA:
     draft environmental impact statement. 480 p. NTIS PB97-171037.
     MMS 97-0010
     final environmental impact statement. 555 p. NTIS PB98-116916.
     MMS 97-0033

Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sales 171, 174, 177, and 180: Western planning area. Minerals Management Service. U.S. DOI. Available from NTIS. OCS EIS/EA:
     draft environmental impact statement. 1997. 446 p. NTIS PB98-116908.
     MMS 97-0032
     final environmental impact statement. 1998. 532 p. NTIS PB98-152713.
     MMS 98-0008

Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sale 181, Eastern Planning Area. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA:
     draft environmental impact statement.
635 p. MMS 2000-077
     final environmental impact statement. 2 volumes. MMS 2001-051

Gulf of Mexico offshore operations monitoring experiment, phase 1: Sublethal responses to contaminant exposure. M.C. Kennicutt II. Texas A&M University. U.S. DOI. OCS Study: 
        interim report, year 1. 1994. 306 p. Available from NTIS PB94-217577.
        MMS 94-0005  abstract
        final report. 1995. 749 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB96-103296.
        MMS 95-0045  abstract

Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf daily oil and gas production rate projections. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS Report:
     1996 through 2000. J.M. Melancon, C.L. Nixdorff, R.C. Bowser, and Chee Yu.
     1997. 14 p. NTIS PB97-140669. MMS 97-0006
     1998 through 2002. J.M. Melancon and D.S. Roby. 1998. 16 p. NTIS  
     PB98-128465. MMS 98-0013
     1999 through 2003. J.M. Melancon and R.D. Baud. 1999. 20 p.  NTIS: PB99-134405. MMS 99-0016
     2000 through 2004. J.M. Melancon and R.D. Baud. 2000. 20 p. MMS 2000-012
     2001 through 2005. J.M. Melancon, Roy Bongiovanni, and R.D. Baud. 2001. 24 p. MMS 2001-044
     2002 through 2006. J.M. Melancon, Roy Bongiovanni, and R.D. Baud. 2002. 30 p. MMS 2002-031

Gulf of Mexico sales 152 and 155: Central and western planning areas. Minerals Management Service. 1994. U.S. DOI. Available from NTIS. OCS EIS/EA:
        draft environmental impact statement. 2 vol. (NTIS: vol.1, PB94-188083;
        vol.2, PB94-188091) MMS 94-0019
        final environmental impact statement. 2 vol. (NTIS: vol.1, PB95-178331;
        vol.2, PB95-178349) MMS 94-0058

Gulf of Mexico sales 157 and 161: Central and western planning areas. Minerals Management Service. 1995. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS EIS/EA:
        draft environmental impact statement. 2 vol. (NTIS: vol.1, PB95-236618;
         vol.2, PB95-236626) MMS 95-0017
        final environmental impact statement. 2 vol. (NTIS: vol.1, PB96-133988;
        vol.2, PB96-133996) MMS 95-0058

Gulf of Mexico sales 166 and 168: Central and western planning areas. Minerals Management Service. 1996. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS EIS/EA:
        draft environmental impact statement. 577 p. (NTIS PB96-182472)
        MMS 96-0007
        final environmental impact statement. 645 p. (NTIS PB97-133995)
        MMS 96-0058

Gulf-wide information system (G-WIS). Norm Froomer. 1999. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM as CD ROM only (limited supply). OCS Study, MMS 2000-027

Historic shipwrecks of the Gulf of Mexico: A teacher's resource: Instructional resources for the sidewheel steamship Josephine. Minerals Management Service. 2000. U.S. DOI. 21 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-024

History of coastal Alabama natural gas exploration and development: Final report. W.W. Wade et al. Foster Associates, Inc. 1999. U.S. DOI. 211 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB99-167389. OCS Study, MMS 99-0031  abstract

How does produced water cause a reduction in the genetic diversity of harpacticoid copepods? Final report. J.W. Fleeger et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 35 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101925. OCS Study, MMS 2001-078

Improved geohazards and benthic habitat evaluations: Digital acoustic data with ground truth calibrations. H.H. Roberts. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 164 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2001-05

Information transfer meeting, Gulf of Mexico, proceedings. University of New Orleans, comp. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS Study:
        thirteenth, December 1993. 1995. 495 p. NTIS PB95-201901. MMS 94-0061
        fourteenth annual, November 1994. 1996. 463 p. NTIS PB97-126528. MMS 96-0024
        fifteenth annual, December 1995. 1996. 580 p. NTIS PB97-185821.
        MMS 96-0056
        sixteenth annual, December 1996. 1997. 333 p. NTIS PB98-142284. MMS 97-0038
        seventeenth annual, December 1997. 1999. 743 p. Available on
web only. MMS 99-0042 
(42.2 MB)
        eighteenth annual, December 1998. 2000. 564 p. Available on web only. MMS 2000-030  (42.8 MB)
(If either of the two files above is difficult to open in a browser, right click on the link, for Explorer click Save Target As, for Netscape click Save Link As, and save to a local directory. Open saved file in Acrobat Reader.)     Nov. 1999. 529 p. (limited supply). MMS 2001-081
 Dec. 2000. 464 p. NTIS: PB2002-101894. MMS 2001-082

Informational brochure on proposed lease sale 181 in eastern Gulf of Mexico. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 4 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2000-088

Instrument performance and data quality control analyses for the physical oceanography field program offshore North Carolina.
Science Applications International Corporation. 1996. U.S. DOI. 115 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB96-185863. OCS Study, MMS 96-0004

Investigation of blowout and fire, East Cameron block 328, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast, April 1, 1997. Charles Schoennagel, Joe Gordon, Jane Scholzen, and Greg Gould. 1999. U.S. DOI. 14 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 99-0021  

Investigation of blowout and fire, Eugene Island block 284, OCS-G 0991 well A-13, March 1, 2001, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast. Tom Basey, John McCarroll, Marty Rinaudo, and Buddy Stewart. 2001. U.S. DOI. 29 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-084

Investigation of blowout and fire, platform A, Eugene Island block 380, lease OCS-G 2327, January 24, 1996, Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast. D.J. Griffin, M.J. Saucier, and C.J. Schoennagel. 1998. U.S. DOI. 24 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 98-0012

Investigation of blowout and fire, Ship Shoal block 354, OCS-G 15312, well A-2, September 9, 1999, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast. Leslie Monahan, Michael Saucier, David Dykes, and Joe Gordon. 2001. U.S. DOI. 35 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-009

Investigation of casing blowdown accident and fatality, West Cameron block 331, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast, December 24, 1997. Frank Pausina, Milford Cole, and Marty Rinaudo. 1999. U.S. DOI. 21 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 99-0009

Investigation of Chevron Pipe Line Company pipeline leak, South Pass block 38, September 29, 1998, Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast. D.M. Moore, Frank Torres, Mike Joseph, Buddy Sheets, and George Butler. Minerals Management Service, Department of Transportation, and Coast Guard. 1999. U.S. DOI. 85 p. Available from the GOM. OCS Report, MMS 99-0053

Investigation of crane accident and injury, South Timbalier block 185, OCS-G 1569, March 21, 2000, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast.
Jack Leezy, Freddie Mosely, and David Dykes. 2001. U.S. DOI. 31 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-010

Investigation of drillship draw works failure, Atwater Valley block 116, OCS-G 13206, October 22, 1999, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast.
David Dykes, David Trocquet, and Randall Josey. 2000. U.S. DOI. 33 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2000-084

Investigation of explosion and fire, Platform A, Mustang Island block 831, lease OCS-G 3043, November 30, 1994, Gulf of Mexico off the Texas coast. C.B. Kirkpatrick, R.K. Michelsen, C.J. Schoennagel, and J.E. Scholzen. 1996. U.S. DOI. 27 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 96-0054

Investigation of fall and fatality, Main Pass block 140, May 19, 2000, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast. Frank Pausina, David Dykes, and Randall Josey. 2001. U.S. DOI. 16 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-042

Investigation of fall and fatality, Mississippi Canyon block 109, August 16, 2000, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast. Frank Pausina, David Dykes, and Charles Griffin. 2000.U.S. DOI. 23 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2000-089

Investigation of fatality, Mississippi Canyon block 167, OCS-G 08801, September 8, 2000, Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast. David Dykes and Tom Machado. 2001. U.S. DOI. 32 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-045

Investigation of fire and fatality, East Cameron block 60, April 9, 1999, Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast. Frank Pausina, Milford Cole, Marty Rinaudo. 2000. U.S. DOI. 37 p. Available from GOM and as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-029

Investigation of fire, fatality, and injuries, Eugene Island block 108, December 23, 1998, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast. Frank Pausina, Tom Basey, and Michael Hebert. 1999. U.S. DOI. 28 p. Available from the GOM. OCS Report, MMS 99-0067

Investigation of hydrocarbon spill, West Cameron block 198, Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast.
Frank Pausina, Milford Cole, and Cliff Delouche. 1996. U.S. DOI. 19 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 96-0038

Investigation of loss of well control well B-2, South Marsh Island block 90, Lease OCS-G 8684, March 15, 1994. J.T. Gordon, C.J. Schoennagel, and J.D. Serrette. 1995. U.S. DOI. 20 p. Available from GOM.  OCS Report, MMS 95-0041

Investigation of loss of well control, well No. 24, South Pass block 60, lease OCS-G 1608, December 26, 1992. F.T. Bryan, L.T. Herbst, C.J. Schoennagel. 1994. U.S. DOI. 19 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 94-0024

Investigation of pig launcher explosion, Main Pass block 41, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast. Frank Pausina, Leslie Monahan, Tom Perry, and Carl Anderson. 1996. U.S. DOI. 27 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 96-0069

Investigation of pressure and pressure gradients along the Louisiana/Texas inner shelf and their relationships to wind forcing and current variability. Nan Walker et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 40 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101923. OCS Study, MMS 2001-057

Investigation of rig accident and fatality, Grand Isle block 19, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast, September 24, 1996. Frank Pausina, Mike Conner, and Thomas Machado. 1998. U.S. DOI. 22 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 98-0041

Investigation of rig collapse accident, fatalities, and injuries, Main Pass block 153, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast, July 17, 1998. Frank Pausina, Tommy Laurendine, Tom Perry, and Daniel Knowlson. 1999. U.S. DOI. 26 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 99-0027

Investigation of riser disconnect and blowout, Mississippi Canyon block 538, OCS-G 16614, well #2, February 28, 2000, Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast.
David Dykes, David Trocquet, and Randall Josey. 2001. U.S. DOI. 13 p. Available from GOM and on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-005

Investigation of Shell Offshore Inc., Hobbit pipeline leak, Ship Shoal block 281, Gulf of Mexico, November 16, 1994, off the Louisiana coast. Alex Alvarado, W.C. Bertges, G.M. Conner, Frank Pausina, and Pasquale Roscigno. 1997. U.S. DOI. 27 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 97-0031

Investigation of top drive accident and fatality, East Cameron block 332, Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast, June 4, 1996. Frank Pausina, Michael Hebert, and Johnny Serrette. 1997. U.S. DOI. 27 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 97-0034

Lafourche Parish and Port Fourchon, Louisiana: Effects of the Outer Continental Shelf petroleum industry on the economy and public services. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Study:
     Part 1. D.C. Keithly. 42 p. MMS 2001-019
     Part 2. D.W. Hughes et al. 22 p. MMS 2001-020

Long-term effects of contaminants from OCS produced-water discharges at the Pelican Island facility, Louisiana. N.N. Rabalais et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 88 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB99-134108. OCS Study, MMS 98-0039   abstract

Long-term measurements of SO2 and NO2 concentrations and related meteorological conditions in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. S.A. Hsu et al. Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana State University. 1998. U.S. DOI. 330 p. Available from NTIS: PB98-151541. OCS Study, MMS 98-0020

Long-term monitoring at the east and west Flower Garden Banks. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. U.S. DOI. OCS Study:
        1996. 1996. 95 p. Available from NTIS PB97-185854. MMS 96-0046  abstract
        1996-1997. Q.R. Dokken et al. Texas A&M University. 1999. 101 p. Available from NTIS PB99-167348. MMS 99-0005  abstract

Louisiana/Texas shelf physical oceanography program: Eddy circulation study. Science Applications International Corporation. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS Study:
        annual report, year 1. 1994. 53 p. (NTIS PB95-148284) MMS 94-0027
        annual report, year 2. 1995. 63 p. (NTIS PB95-221925) MMS 95-0027
        final synthesis report. Vol. 1, technical report. T.J. Berger et al. 1996.
        294 p. (NTIS PB97-126569) MMS 96-0051
        final synthesis report. Vol. 2, appendices. T.J. Berger et al. 1996. 151 p.
        (NTIS PB97-126577) MMS 96-0052

Management applicability of contemporary deep-sea ecology and reevaluation of Gulf of Mexico studies. R.S. Carney. Louisiana State University. 2001. U.S. DOI. 174 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101881. OCS Study, MMS 2001-095

Management of the MMS-LSU Coastal Marine Institute: A report of the first six years, 1992-1998, final report.
R.S. Carney. Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute. 2001. 92 p. (GOM) Availabale from GOM, on the web, or from NTIS: OB2001-107840. OCS Study, MMS 2001-062

Managing oil spills in mangrove ecosystems: Effects, remediation, restoration, and modeling. C.E. Proffitt, ed. Louisiana Environmental Research Center and MMS. 1997. U.S. DOI. 76 p. Available from NTIS PB98-142268. (GOM) OCS Study, MMS 97-0003  abstract

Mariculture associated with oil and gas structures: A compendium. V.C. Reggio, Jr., comp. 1996. U.S. DOI. 32 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB97-126536. OCS Study, MMS 96-0050

Marine debris point source investigation: Padre Island national seashore, March 1994-September 1995. J.E. Miller et al. National Park Service. 1996. U.S. DOI. 35 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB97-126544. OCS Study, MMS 96-0023

Measurements of SO2 concentration and atmospheric structure in Delta and Breton wildlife refuges. S.A. Hsu. Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana State University. 1995. U.S. DOI. 74 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB95-221891. OCS Study, MMS 95-0019

Meteorology of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. M.A. Yocke et al. ENVIRON International Corp. U.S. DOI. OCS Study:
        interim report. 1998. 67 p. (Misprinted as OCS Report) Available from NTIS PB99-134132. MMS 98-0043
        final report, data from 1995 to 1997. 2000. 154 p. Available from GOM (with 3 CD's). MMS 2000-075

Minerals Management Service Outer Continental Shelf activity database (MOAD), user's guide.
C.K. Steiner et al. Systems Applications International. 1994. U.S. DOI. 22 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB94-217544. OCS Study, MMS 94-0018

Mississippi/Alabama pinnacle trend ecosystem monitoring, final synthesis report. Continental Shelf Associates, Texas A&M. 2001. U.S. DOI. 446 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101921. OCS Study, MMS 2001-080

Mississippi River plume hydrography. S.P. Murray et al., ed. Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana State University. U.S. DOI. Available from NTIS. OCS Study:
        annual report. 1994. 229 p. NTIS PB95-183448. MMS 94-0028
        second annual report. 1996. 160 p. NTIS PB97-126551. MMS 96-0022

MMS seafloor monitoring project: First annual technical report, 1997 field season. J.B. Irion et al., comp. 1999. U.S. DOI. 63 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 99-0014

Mobil Lydonia Canyon block 273 No. 1 well, geological and operational summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 50 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-036

Mobil Lydonia Canyon block 312 No. 1 well, geological and operational summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 54 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-037

Modeling the structure and performance of integrated and independent producers in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. A.G. Pulsipher et al. Coastal Marine Institute, Louisiana State University. 1996. U.S. DOI. 48 p. Available GOM or from NTIS PB96-191218. OCS Study, MMS 95-0056

Multiple use maps (GOM OCS) (October 2001). W.W. Times. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Map, MMS 2001-073

North Carolina/Minerals Management Service technical workshop on Manteo Unit exploration, February 4-5, 1998. D.L. Vigil, comp. 1998. U.S. DOI. 167 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB98-151574. OCS Report, MMS 98-0024

Northeastern Gulf of Mexico chemical oceanography and hydrography study between the Mississippi Delta and Tampa Bay. Annual Report. A.E. Jochens, ed., et al. Texas A&M University. U.S. DOI. OCS Study:
        Year 1.
1998. 110 p. Available from NTIS PB99-134041. MMS 98-0060
        Year 2. 1999. 107 p. Available from GOM. MMS 99-0054
        Year 3. 2000.   73 p. Available from GOM (limited supply). MMS 2000-078

Northeastern Gulf of Mexico coastal and marine ecosystem program: Characterization and data information management system. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. 1999. U.S. DOI. Available as web file. OCS Study, MMS 99-0050

Northeastern Gulf of Mexico coastal and marine ecosystem program: Data search and synthesis. Science Applications International Corporation, comp. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or from NTIS. OCS Study:
        synthesis report. 1997. 304 p. Available from GOM only. MMS 96-0014
        annotated bibliography. Appendix A, physical oceanography. 1996.
        181 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB97-126452. MMS 96-0015
        annotated bibliography. Appendix B, meteorology. 1996. 61 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB97-126460. MMS 96-0016
        annotated bibliography. Appendix C, geology. 1996. 83 p. Available from
        GOM or from NTIS PB97-126478. MMS 96-0017
        annotated bibliography. Appendix D, chemistry. 1996. 47 p. Available from          GOM or from NTIS PB97-126486. MMS 96-0018
        annotated bibliography. Appendix E, biology. 1996. 161 p. Available from
        GOM or from NTIS PB97-126494. MMS 96-0019
        annotated bibliography. Appendix F, socioeconomics. 1996. 2 vol.
        Vols.1 & 2 available from GOM; only vol.1 available from NTIS: PB97-126502.
        MMS 96-0020

Northeastern Gulf of Mexico coastal and marine ecosystem program: Ecosystem monitoring, Mississippi/Alabama shelf. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. et al. U.S. DOI. Available from NTIS. OCS Study:
          first annual interim report. 1997. 225 p. NTIS PB98-142334. MMS 97-0037  abstract
          second annual interim report. 1998. 198 p. NTIS PB99-134090. (Updates MMS 97-0037)  MMS 98-0044  abstract

         third annual interim report. 1999. 211 p. NTIS PB2000-102478. MMS 99-0055

Northeastern Gulf of Mexico physical oceanography program: Eddy monitoring and remote sensing, first annual report. F.E. Muller-Karger et al. University of South Florida, Dept. of Marine Sciences. 1998. U.S. DOI. 41 p. Available from NTIS: PB99-134082. OCS Study, MMS 98-0051

Northeastern Gulf of Mexico physical oceanography workshop, proceedings of a workshop held in Tallahassee, Florida, April 5-7, 1994. A.J. Clarke, ed. Florida State University. 1995. U.S. DOI. 258 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB96-103270. OCS Study, MMS 94-0044  abstract

Numerical simulation of Gulf of Mexico circulation under present and glacial climatic conditions. Masamichi Inoue et al. Coastal Marine Institute, Louisiana State University. 1997. U.S. DOI. 146 p. Available from NTIS PB97-185904. OCS Study, MMS 96-0067  abstract

Observation of the atmospheric boundary layer in the western and central Gulf of Mexico. Radian International LLC et al. U.S. DOI. OCS Study:
        first annual report. 1998. 35 p. Available from NTIS: PB99-134066. MMS 98-0056
        second annual report. 2000. 28 p. Available from GOM. MMS 2000-009

Observational study of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya coastal plume, final report. S.P. Murray, ed. Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute. 1998. U.S. DOI. 544 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB99-169773. OCS Study, MMS 98-0040  abstract

Oceanic gas hydrate research and activities review. M.C. Boatman and Jennifer Peterson. 2000. U.S. DOI. 68 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 2000-017

OCS statistical summary, leasing by sale and by map area/block number. Minerals Management Service. U.S. DOI. OCS Report:
        1993. 1995. 90 p. Available from GOM as reading copy only. MMS 94-0022
        1994. 1995. 116 p. Available from GOM as reading copy only. MMS 95-0035
        1995. 1996. 142 p. Available from GOM. MMS 96-0021
        1996. 1997. 182 p. Available from GOM as reading copy only. MMS 97-0009
        1997. 1998. 247 p. Available from GOM as reading copy only. MMS 98-0002
        1998. 1999. 170 p. Available from GOM (limited supply). MMS 99-0026
        1999. 2000.   98 p. Available from GOM. MMS 2000-018
        2000. 2001. 108 p. Available from GOM. MMS 2001-038

Offshore regulatory features (GOM OCS) (October 2001). W.W. Times. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Map, MMS 2001-074

Oil and gas development and coastal income inequality: A comparative analysis. C.M. Tolbert. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1995. U.S. DOI. 75 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB95-221909. OCS Study, MMS 94-0052  abstract

Oil and gas leasing procedures guidelines, Outer Continental Shelf. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 150 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-076

Oil in the Gulf: Past developments, future prospects. Robert Gramling. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1995. U.S. DOI. 72 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB95-240768. OCS Study, MMS 95-0031

Outer Continental Shelf issues: Central Gulf of Mexico. Robert Gramling et al. Coastal Marine Institute. Louisiana State University. 1995. U.S. DOI. 84 p. Available from NTIS PB96-143235. OCS Study, MMS 95-0032  abstract

Physical/biological oceanographic integration workshop for DeSoto Canyon and the adjacent shelf, October 19-21, 1999. W.W. Schroeder, ed. et al. University of Alabama. 2001. U.S. DOI. 157 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2000-074

Physical oceanographic field program offshore North Carolina, final synthesis report. T.J. Berger et al. Science Applications International Corporation. 1995. U.S. DOI. 347 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB96-143193. OCS Study, MMS 94-0047  abstract

Potential for accelerated bioremediation and restoration of oil-impacted marshes through the selection of superior oil-tolerant vegetation. M.W. Hester et al. Coastal Marine Institute, Louisiana State University. 2000. U.S. DOI. 47 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2000-042

Programmatic environmental assessment for grid 4. Evaluation of Kerr-McGee Oil and Gas Corporation’s development operations coordination document, N-7045, Nansen Project, east breaks, blocks 602 and 646. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 211 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-075

Promise of deep gas in the Gulf of Mexico, the. Minerals Management Service. [2001]. U.S. DOI. 8 p. (GOM) Availabale on web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-037

Proposed OCS lease sale 172, central Gulf of Mexico, environmental assessment. Minerals Management Service. 1998. U.S. DOI. 26 p. Available from GOM as reading copy only. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 98-0045

Proposed OCS lease sale 174, western Gulf of Mexico, environmental assessment. Minerals Management Service. 1999. U.S. DOI. 18 p. Available from GOM (limited supply). OCS EIS/EA, MMS 99-0002

Proposed OCS lease sale 175, central Gulf of Mexico, environmental assessment. Minerals Management Service. 1999. U.S. DOI. 22 p. Available from GOM (limited supply). OCS EIS/EA, MMS 99-0065

Proposed OCS lease sale 177, western Gulf of Mexico, environmental assessment. Minerals Management Service. 2000. U.S. DOI. 16 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2000-013

Proposed OCS lease sale 178, central Gulf of Mexico, environmental assessment. Minerals Management Service. 2000. U.S. DOI. 22 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2000-068

Proposed OCS lease sale 180, western Gulf of Mexico: Environmental assessment. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 19 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-034

Proposed OCS lease sale 182, central Gulf of Mexico, environmental assessment. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 52 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-097

Proposed use of floating production, storage, and offloading systems on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, western and central planning areas.
Minerals Management Service. U.S. DOI. OCS EIS/EA:
        draft environmental impact statement. 2000. 648 p. Available from GOM. MMS 2000-051
        final environmental impact statement. 2001. 782 p. Available from GOM. MMS 2000-090

Recovery of a deltaic barrier island from hurricane and oil spill impacts in coastal Louisiana.
Karolien Debusschere et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1994. U.S. DOI. 85 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB95-221917. OCS Study, MMS 94-0055

Regulatory compliance for OCS oil and gas operations, Gulf of Mexico. Minerals Management Service. 1996. U.S. DOI. 22 p. (GOM). OCS Report, MMS 96-0039 Under revision

Remote sensing study of upwelling in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and the effects of Hurricanes Earl and Georges, Annual Report: Year 2. F.E. Muller-Karger et al. University of South Florida, Dept. of Marine Science, et al. 2000. U.S. DOI. 42 p. Available from GOM (limited supply). OCS Study, MMS 2000-028

Revised proposal for Gulf of Mexico oil and gas lease sale 181, eastern planning area, environmental assessment. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 25 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-083

Rigs-to-reefs policy, progress, and perspective. Les Dauterive. 2000. U.S. DOI. 8 p. Available from GOM and on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2000-073

Satellite oceanography study and oceanic atlas project, northeastern Gulf of Mexico, final report. K.L. Carder et al. University of South Florida, St. Petersburg. 1998. U.S. DOI. 44 p. and 1 CD-ROM. Available from GOM (limited supply). OCS Study, MMS 97-0042  abstract

Satellite-based assessment of the Mississippi River discharge plume's spatial structure and temporal variability. N.D. Walker. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1994. U.S. DOI. 56 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB95-183430. OCS Study, MMS 94-0053  abstract

Seasonal and spatial variation in the biomass and size frequency distribution of fish associated with oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico. D.R. Stanley et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2000. U.S. DOI. 252 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2000-005

Shell Lydonia Canyon block 357 No. 1 well, geological and operational summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 43 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-038

Shell Lydonia Canyon block 410 No. 1R well, geological and operational summary.
G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 58 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-039

Social and economic consequences of onshore OCS-related activities in coastal Alabama: Final baseline report, economic baseline of the Alabama coastal region.
J.Q. Kelly et al. Foster Associates, Inc. 1999. U.S. DOI. 102 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB99-167322. OCS Study, MMS 98-0046  abstract

Social and economic impacts of Petroleum "boom and bust" cycles. Ruth Seydlitz et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 1994. U.S. DOI. 131 p. Available from NTIS PB94-217536. OCS Study, MMS 94-0016  abstract

Spatial and temporal variability of plankton stocks on the basis of acoustic backscatter intensity and direct measurements in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, final report. R.L. Scott et al. Texas A&M University. 2001. U.S. DOI. 81 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101926. OCS Study, MMS 2001-063

Stability and change in the Gulf of Mexico chemosynthetic communities, interim report.
I.R. MacDonald, ed. Texas A&M University. 1998. U.S. DOI. Available from NTIS PB99-136210. OCS Study, MMS 98-0034  abstract

Stakeholders' issues in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. University of West Florida. 1999. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM (limited supply). OCS Study:
       Vol. 1. technical report. D.A. Blanchard. 81 p. MMS 99-0063
        Vol. 2. annotated bibliography. D.J. Webb et al. 233 p. MMS 99-0064

Studying and verifying the use of chemical biomarkers for identifying and quantifying oil residues in the environment. B.M. Ashton et al. Coastal Marine Institute, Louisiana State University. 2001. U.S. DOI. 70 p. Available from GOM (limited supply). OCS Study, MMS 2000-086

Summary of 1995 assessment of conventionally recoverable hydrocarbon resources of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf, as of January 1, 1995. G.L. Lore, J.P. Brooke, D.W. Cooke, R.J. Klazynski, D.L. Olson, and K.M. Ross. 1996. U.S. DOI. 68 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 96-0047

Synopsis of biological data on the Kemp's Ridley turtle, Lepidochelys Kempi (Garman, 1880). Rene Marquez-M., comp. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration et al. 1994. 91 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS PB95-148276. OCS Study, MMS 94-0023

Synthesis of available biological, geological, chemical, socioeconomic, and cultural resource information for the south Florida area, supplemental report: A comparison of seagrass beds in Panama and south Florida. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. 1995. U.S. DOI. 52 p. Available from NTIS PB96-101936. OCS Study, MMS 95-0029

Technical summaries from selected environmental studies of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Minerals Management Service, comp. 1996. U.S. DOI. 184 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 96-0025

Tenneco Lydonia Canyon block 187 No. 1 well, geological and operational summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 59 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-035

Texas-Louisiana shelf circulation and transport processes study. A.E. Jochens et al. Texas A&M University. 1994. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM (limited supply) or from NTIS. OCS Study: 
        year 1, Vol. I, executive summary. 27 p. (NTIS PB95-144630) MMS 94-0029          year 1, Vol. II, technical report. 182 p. (NTIS PB95-144648) MMS 94-0030
        year 2, annual report. 1995. 1,152 p. (NTIS PB95-240776) MMS 95-0028
        year 3, annual report. M.E. Reap et al., eds. 1996. 64 p.
        (NTIS PB97-126510) MMS 96-0030

Texas-Louisiana shelf circulation and transport processes study: Synthesis report. W.D. Nowlin, Jr., et al. Texas A&M University. 1998. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Study, abstract:
     Vol. I, technical report. 492 p. MMS 98-0035 
     Vol. II, appendices. 288 p. MMS 98-0036

User's guide for the Breton offshore activities data system (BOADS) for air quality, final report. D.L. Coe et al. Sonoma Technology, Inc., et al. 1999. U.S. DOI. 50 p. Available from GOM. (Updated by MMS 2000-081). OCS Study, MMS 99-0033

User’s guide for the Breton offshore activities data system (BOADS) for air quality, final report. D.L. Coe et al. Sonoma Technology Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 73 p. (GOM) Available on the web or from NTIS: PB2001-105446. OCS Study, MMS 2000-081

Wind and eddy-related circulation on the Louisiana/Texas shelf and slope determined from satellite and in-situ measurements, October 1993-August 1994, Coastal Marine Institute. N.D. Walker. Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 57 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2001-025

Workshop on environmental issues surrounding deepwater oil and gas development, final report. R.S. Carney, ed. Louisiana State University. 1988. U.S. DOI. 143 p. Available as web file or from NTIS PB98-151533. OCS Study, MMS 98-0022 

Workshop on the physical oceanography slope and rise of the Gulf of Mexico, September 2000. Melanie McKay et al., eds. University of New Orleans. 2001. U.S. DOI. 151 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-100816. OCS Study, MMS 2001-021

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