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King County Prosecuting Attorney

Elder Abuse Project
As the elderly population in King County grows, so do the incidents of abuse against it. Currently, about 29% (roughly 24,540 citizens) of Washington's 85 and over population reside in King County. This community is expected to increase 53% by the year 2025. In 2002, there were 2,637 reports of adult abuse in King County, a number that has increased 6% since 2001 and exceeds the reports of any other Washington county by 105%.

The Elder Abuse Project was created by then King County Prosecuting Attorney Norm Maleng in June, 2001, in response to the rapidly increasing elderly population in King County, and to increases in crimes against these citizens. The Project addresses the abuse of vulnerable adults, a population that includes disabled adults as well as the elderly. The goals of the Elder Abuse Project are three-fold: to prosecute cases of neglect of the elderly and disabled; to work collaboratively with police, social service agencies, and medical professionals to improve the referral, investigation, and, ultimately, prosecution of cases of abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults; and, to provide training to first responders so that they can better recognize and respond to such cases.

If you have any questions relating to elder abuse, please also visit our links to Resources or Frequently Asked Questions. If you have questions about the Elder Abuse Project, you may e-mail Page Ulrey, Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, or telephone her at 206-296-9000.

July 22, 2008

Contact Us:

Phone:  206-296-9000
FAX:  206-296-9013
TDD:  206-296-0100

King County Prosecuting Attorney
W554 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA  98104

E-Mail:  Prosecuting Attorney

Usual Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday

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