The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

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 Truman Scholars Association

Truman Scholars Association
All Truman Scholars are invited to be members of TSA.

TSA Board of Directors
A listing of the TSA Board of Directors and the TSA By-Laws.

TSA Membership
Information about TSA Membership.

TSA Projects
How to get involved with on-going TSA projects and activities.

Featured Scholars
A slideshow of Featured Truman Scholars.

Keeping in Touch with the Truman Community
Information on how to join the TSA listserv as well as a listing of other links of interest to Truman Scholars.

  • 712 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20006
  • Phone: (202) 395-4831 Fax: (202) 395-6995
  • Email: