Labor Hearings and Testimony
Testimony of Dr John E Niederhuber at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Testimony of Dr Francis S Collins at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Testimony of Dr Elizabeth G Nabel at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Testimony of Dr Elias A Zerhouni at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Testimony of Dr Anthony S Fauci at the July 16 NIH Hearing

Listen to the NIH Hearing from July 16 2008

Listen to the June 26 Labor H Full Committee Markup

Listen to the June 24 Labor HHS Subcommittee Markup

Testimony of Labor Secretary Elaine L Chao at the May 7 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

Audio from May 7 Hearing Featuring Labor Secretary Elaine Chao

Watch the April 2nd Labor HHS Hearing

Testimony of National Labor Relations Board Member Wilma B Liebman at the April 2 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

Testimony of National Labor Relations Board Chairman Peter C Schaumber at the April 2 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

Testimony of John N Raudabaugh at the April 2 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

Testimony of Dr Gordon Lafer at the April 2 Labor Subcommittee Hearing

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