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Northwest AETC Programs
Minority AIDS Initiative

Tribal BEAR Project

The Northwest AIDS Education and Training Center’s Tribal BEAR (Building Effective AIDS Response) Project provides tribal clinics with state-of-the-art HIV/AIDS training.

The Tribal BEAR Project, a collaboration with the Salish Kootenai College of the Flathead Reservation in Montana and the South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency in Washington State, is working with tribal health clinics to build HIV Response Teams. These teams bring together doctors, nurses, traditional healers, pharmacists, case managers, mental health and chemical dependency counselors, dentists and nutritionists to provide comprehensive health care to American Indians living with HIV/AIDS.

The Tribal BEAR Project also works to bring together resources, both on and off the reservation. By building bridges between tribal and non-tribal agencies, American Indians with HIV/AIDS will have the freedom to make choices that best meet their individual health care needs. Goals of the Northwest AETC Tribal BEAR Project:

  1. To develop a comprehensive care approach for Native people with HIV/AIDS through the development of tribal health HIV Response Teams, in order to:
    1. Support Native people with HIV/AIDS who want to access their treatment and care within their home communities.
    2. To ensure that culturally competent and sensitive HIV care is available to Native people with HIV/AIDS.
  2. To increase community support for HIV services on the reservation.
  3. To create an expanded circle of care encompassing both tribal and non-tribal resources.

Tribal BEAR Project Contacts

Salish Kootenai College
Nikki Graham
Project Coordinator
(406) 275-4920

South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency
Jutta Riediger
Program Coordinator
(360) 426-2433, Ext. 26

Michael Maxwell
Training Coordinator
(360) 462-3225

NW AETC Central Office
Fransing Daisy
American Indian Program Coordinator
(206) 543-3671