Western Federal Lands Highway Division The edge of a forest along the horizon
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Forest Highway Program (Home)
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Forest Highway Designation
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Role of the Forest Service
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Role of WFLHD
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Role of Western Federal Lands

  1. Administers program funds.
  2. Reviews and designates proposed FH routes.
  3. Jointly selects projects for the FHP with the State and the FS.
  4. Approves the program of projects.
  5. Drafts project agreement.
  6. Appoints a member to the SEE Team to study location alternatives and to obtain environmental clearance for a project.
  7. Designs the project and approves the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E).
  8. Advertises, awards, and administers the construction contract.
  9. Makes final acceptance of FH construction projects.

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Please send your questions or comments to webmaster@mail.wfl.fhwa.dot.gov
Last update: September 16, 2004