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Tri-Party Agreement
Table of Contents

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Part One: Introduction

Article I: Jurisdiction
Article II: Parties
Article III: Purpose
Article IV: Statutory Compliance and RCRA/CERCLA Integration and Coordination
Article V: Definitions

Part Two: Permitting/Closure of TSD Units/Groups

Article VI: Findings and Determinations
Article VII: Work
Article VIII: Resolution of Disputes
Article IX: Stipulated Dangerous Waste Penalties
Article X: Enforceability
Article XI: Schedule
Article XII: Common Terms

Part Three: Remedial and Corrective Actions

Article XIII: Findings and Determinations
Article XIV: Work
Article XV: Review of Documents
Article XVI: Resolution of Disputes
Article XVII: Schedule
Article XVII: Permits
Article XIX: Recovery of EPA CERCLA Response Costs
Article XX: Stipulated Penalties
Article XXI: Enforceability
Article XXII: Common Terms

Part Four: Integration of EPA and Ecology Responsibilities

Article XXIII: RCRA/CERCLA Interface
Article XXIV: Lead Regulatory Agency and Regulatory Approach Decisions
Article XXV: Physically Inconsistent Actions
Article XXVI: Dispute Resolution
Article XXVII: Other Disputes and EPA Oversight
Article XXVII: RCRA/CERCLA Reservation of Rights

Part Five: Common Provisions

Article XXIX: Recovery of State Costs
Article XXX: Additional Work or Modification to Work
Article XXXI: Quality Assurance
Article XXXII: Creation of Danger
Article XXXIII: Notification
Article XXXIV: Reserved
Article XXXV: Sampling and Data/Document Availability
Article XXXVI: Retention of Records
Article XXXVII: Access
Aticle XXXVIII: Five-Year Review
Article XXXIX: Modification of Agreement
Article XL: Good Cause for Extensions
Article XLI: Conveyance of Title
Article XLII: Public Participation
Article XLIII: Duration/Termination
Article XLIV: Serverability
Article XLV: Classified and Confidential Information
Article XLVI: Reservation of Rights
Article XLVII: Force Majeure
Article XLVIII: Cost, Schedule, Scope, Integration, Planning and Reporting
Article XLIX: Inclusion of Nonregulated Nuclear Material
Article L: Compliance with Applicable Laws
Article LI: Effective Date
Article LII: Attachment 1

Attachment 1: Letter from U.S. Department of Justice

Attachment 2: Action Plan

For questions or comments, please send e-mail to Terry W Noland.
  Last Updated: 08/02/2007 08:52 AM
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