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Firms that are local to the DC Metro area and have a large group of employees to be trained should contact us about arranging an on-site training session at your office. Normally these sessions are limited to groups numbering over 10 people.

Online Training Resources

Since we have national jurisdiction we know that many attorneys in our bar will not be able to attend our training sessions. We have put together some resources for you to use in order to train yourself how to use our system. If you are reading this page online and have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, then you have all the tools you need to begin.

1. First thing to do is download our User Manual and keep it handy for reference. User Manual for Attorneys (11/04/04) PDF ** Please note: If you are having difficulty opening/viewing the User Manual, you probably have Adobe Acrobat "Fast Web View" enabled. To disable this feature, see our FAQ on this problem.

2. Next, you should go through our presentation slides for an overview of CM/ECF and how our court is implementing it. Attorney Training Presentation Slides (11/8/04) - A PDF copy of the presentation slides that we use for our local training.

3. Once you've seen the basics you can go to our Training System and actually practice in a real CM/ECF environment. CM/ECF Training System - This link will take you to a page that explains how you may log in to the court's training system using a generic login ID and password. The training system is simply a mock up of the live system using imaginary cases. There is no time limit on use of the training system and there are no PACER charges. We recommend that you use this system to learn how CM/ECF operates and to practice filing before you attempt to file in the live system.