The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

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 Regional Review Panels

March 7, 2008

Phoenix, Arizona

Interviewing finalists from Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah.

Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Fulton Center Building:  6th Floor Conference Room and 6th Floor Board Room
This panel will convene at 8:30 a.m.

For the past several years, the Truman Scholars Association (an organization of Truman Scholar alumni) has hosted pre-interview dinners in the interview cities the night prior to the finalist interviews. The dinners are informal, fun, optional events (interview panelists do not attend). Invited to the dinners are incoming Truman Scholar candidates as well as older Truman Scholars from the area. The dinner locations are chosen at relatively inexpensive restaurants close to the venue where the students will be interviewed, and each person attending the dinner covers his or her own meal and transportation expenses.

The pre-interview dinner for Phoenix will be held on March 6.

If you are interested in attending the Phoenix dinner, please contact the TSA host:  Amy Shlossman.

Panel Members:

Terry Babcock-Lumish-Fellow, Oxford/Harvard; President, Islay Consulting LLC; 1996 Truman Scholar
Pat Gilbert-Chief Administrative Officer/General Counsel, Marc Center of Mesa, Inc.; 1991 Truman Scholar
Manuel Pacheco-Retired Educator
Karen Scates-Deputy Director, Arizona Housing Authority
G. Murray Snow-Judge; 1982 Truman Scholar
Frederick G. Slabach-Executive Secretary, Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation; 1977 Truman Scholar

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