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The United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the State of Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) are conducting negotiations to modify the Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (Tri-Party Agreement/TPA) to incorporate the Office of River Protection Tank Waste Treatment approach.

The retrieval, treatment and disposal of Hanford's tank waste represents the largest cleanup project in the history of the United States. These negotiations consider modifications to Tri-Party Agreement requirements for the acquisition and operation of tank waste processing facilities. The DOE and Ecology will provide two informal sessions on the purpose and expectations of the negotiations. In addition, a dialogue on stakeholder values and principles will occur for consideration by the negotiation teams.

The purpose of these informal information meetings is to provide a timely status to stakeholders on the negotiations. These meetings are not part of a formal public involvement process. A formal public comment period and a public meeting(s) are planned after the draft change package is negotiated.

The DOE's Office of River Protection and Ecology wish to extend an invitation to you, or your representative, to attend information exchange sessions. The sessions are scheduled as follows:

Date Time Location
January 12th, 2000 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 825 Jadwin Ave., Richland
Federal Building/Room 142
January 26th, 2000 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 825 Jadwin Ave., Richland
Federal Building/Room 142

If you would like to join either session by phone, please call 509-372-1557 and you will be connected directly to the meeting.

If you have any questions regarding these sessions please contact either Joy Turner, Ecology 509-736-3001 or Peter Bengtson, Office of River Protection 509-373-9931 -- or leave a message at the Tri-Party Agreement toll-free number 1-800-321-2008.

For questions or comments, please send e-mail to Ronald_D_Ron_Morrison@rl.gov.
  Last Updated: 06/23/2005 08:07 AM
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