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Flip The Mint Seal

Flip The Mint Seal

Good day!  And it IS a fine one, isn't it?  But then, I've never seen a day I didn't like.  Or a kid, for that matter!

My name's Flip, which suits me well.  More than anyone, I flip (and flop) for coins!  Maybe that's why the Mint chose my smiling face for the seal you see everywhere on the United States Mint H.I.P. Pocket Change Web site.  Whenever you see me,'re in a fun and safe place!

Let me tumble out a few personal details...

Favorite coin in my collection:  The 1995 Shriver silver dollar.  This commemorative coin, which celebrates the Special Olympics World Games, is proof that fun and games are for everyone, everywhere!

How I like to spend my days:  Clowning around in the water, playing coin games, and pulling quarters from behind kids' ears.

Personal heroes:  Anne Burke and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.  Thanks to these two women, the first Special Olympics Games were held at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois, on July 20, 1968.

I coined the phrase:  "When in doubt, just flip a coin!"

More Pals
Obverse and reverse of Special Olympics World Games Silver Dollar.
Flip's favorite Coin, the Special Olympics World Games Silver Dollar.