Fishery Management Councils'

EFH Provisions Preparation Schedules
New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC)
4/16/98 NEFMC approved EFH designation alternatives for monkfish, yellowtail flounder, and haddock
5/20/98 NEFMC approved EFH designation alternatives for Atlantic cod, Atlantic herring, ocean pout, red hake, and witch flounder
6/24/98 NEFMC approved remaining EFH designation alternatives and public hearing document
7/7/98 NMFS provided draft EFH recommendations to NEFMC
7/14-7/22/98 NEFMC held EFH public hearings
8/11/98 NEFMC approved final EFH designations
8/31/98 NMFS provides final EFH recommendations to NEFMC
9/24/98 NEFMC approves EFH amendment for submittal to Secretary 
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC)
3/10/98 Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass distribution and abundance, and Bluefish EFH identification presented to MAFMC Habitat Committee
4/23/98 MAFMC approved EFH designation alternatives for bluefish
6/1/98 NMFS provided draft EFH recommendations for bluefish
6/3/98 MAFMC approved public hearing document for bluefish
8/20/98 MAFMC approved draft EFH designation alternatives and public hearing documents for summer flounder, scup, and black seabass, squids/mackerel/butterfish, surf clams/ocean quahogs, and spiny dogfish
8/24-9/3/98 MAFMC holds public hearings on bluefish amendment
9/7/98 NMFS provides draft EFH recommendations to MAFMC for remaining species
9/8-9/9/98 MAFMC holds public hearings on remaining FMPs and amendments
9/18/98 NMFS provides final EFH recommendation to MAFMC for all species
10/8/98 MAFMC approves final EFH designations
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC)
3/2/98  First draft of Habitat Plan and Comprehensive Amendment (Plan/Amendment) completed. Reviewed at joint Committee and Habitat and Coral Advisory Panels meeting
3/5/98  SAFMC approved draft Plan/Amendment for public hearing and NMFS informal review
5/1/98  Draft Plan/Amendment submitted to NMFS for informal review
6/1/98 Draft NMFS EFH Recommendations provided to SAFMC
6/15/98 Scientific and Statistical Committee reviewed draft Plan/Amendment at June Council meeting
6/15/98 Public hearing held on draft Plan/Amendment and draft NMFS EFH Recommendation - St. Augustine, FL
6/22/98 Public hearing held on draft Plan/Amendment and draft NMFS EFH Recommendation - Charleston, SC
6/23/98 Public hearing held on draft Plan/Amendment - Morehead City, NC
6/24/98 Public hearing held on draft Plan/Amendment - Richmond Hill, GA
6/25/98 Public hearing held on draft Plan/Amendment - Marathon, FL
7/15/98  NMFS informal review comments, DSEIS comments, and final NMFS EFH recommendations provided to SAFMC
8/11/98 Habitat Plan, Comprehensive Amendment and final NMFS EFH recommendations reviewed at joint Habitat and Coral Advisory Panels meeting
9/25/98 SAFMC approves Plan/Amendment for Secretarial review
9/28-10/7/98 SAFMC staff completes Plan/Amendment for submission to Secretary
10/9/98 SAFMC submits Plan/Amendment to SERO for transmittal to Secretary
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (GMFMC)
4/1-4/2/98 Technical Review Panel met to review entire EFH amendment - New Orleans, LA

GMFMC Habitat Protection Committee reviewed draft EFH amendment - San Destin, FL 

Draft NMFS EFH Recommendations provided to Council

GMFMC reviewed EFH amendment and approved for public hearings - Lafayette, LA

6/17/98 Florida/Alabama Habitat Protection Advisory Panel met to review EFH draft amendment, public meeting held - Tampa, FL
6/18/98 Public meeting held on EFH draft amendment - Key West, FL
6/22/98 Mississippi/Louisiana Habitat Protection Advisory Panel met to review EFH draft amendment, public meeting held on EFH draft amendment and draft NMFS recommendation - Kenner, LA
6/23/98 Public meeting held on EFH draft amendment - Biloxi, MS
6/24/98 Public meeting held on EFH draft amendment - Gulf Shores, AL
6/25/98 Public meeting held on EFH draft amendment - Panama City, FL
6/30/98 Texas Habitat Protection Advisory Panel met to review EFH draft amendment, public meeting held - Houston, TX
7/1/98 Public meeting held on EFH draft amendment - Port Aransas, TX
7/7-7/9/98 Standing Scientific and Statistical Committee met to review draft EFH amendment, public meeting held - New Orleans, LA
7/21-7/24/98 GMFMC Habitat Committee held public meeting and considered public testimony, comments and recommended changes to EFH draft generic amendment; full Council voted for staff to revise amendment based on comments and to take final action at its September meeting -Lafayette, LA
9/14/98 Habitat Protection Committee discusses final amendment - Mobile, AL
9/16/98 GMFMC takes public testimony and approves final EFH amendment - Mobile, AL
10/11/98 Submission of EFH Amendment to Secretary - exact date to be determined
Caribbean Fishery Management Council (CFMC) 
4/98- 7/98 CFMC staff completes development of preliminary public hearing drafts of the generic FMP amendment and habitat plan/comprehensive amendment
8/12/98 CFMC met for review of the draft generic FMP amendment and approved it for public hearings
8/31/98 Public hearing on EFH draft amendment - Cruz Bay, St. John, USVI
9/1/98 Public hearing on EFH draft amendment - Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI
9/2/98 Public hearing on EFH draft amendment and NMFS recommendation - St. Croix, USVI
9/3/98 Public hearing on EFH draft amendment - Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
9/8/98 Public hearings on EFH draft amendment - Fajardo and Isla Verde, Puerto Rico
9/21-9/25/98 Council approves generic FMP amendment that amends all existing Council FMPs for submission to the Secretary
Highly Migratory Species (HMS)
3/18/98 Update HMS Advisory Panel (AP) on progress of EFH preparation (public meeting) - St. Petersburg, FL
4/1-4/21/98 Peer (technical) review of draft life histories, tables, and maps
5/8/98 Draft life history/species distribution sections distributed to HMS AP for public review
5/27- 5/29/98  Preliminary draft of EFH identifications and descriptions presented to HMS AP; including issues and options and public meeting held
7/27/98  Presentation and discussion of completed draft EFH provisions for HMS FMP to HMS AP, and public meeting - Alexandria, VA
8/26-8/27/98 Presentation and discussion of completed EFH provisions for HMS amendment to HMS AP, and public meeting - Providence, RI
9/2-9/3/98 Presentation and discussion of completed EFH provisions for Billfish amendment for Billfish AP, and public meeting - St. Croix, USVI
9/15/98 Submit amendment/FMP for Secretarial approval
Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC)
3/2/98 Groundfish Technical Team met - Portland, OR
3/3/98 Groundfish EFH presentation made to joint meeting of PFMC Science and Statistics Committee (SSC)/Groundfish Management Team (GMT)/Groundfish Advisory Panel (GAP) - Portland, OR
3/4/98 Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS) EFH presentation to joint meeting of PFMC SSC/GMT/GAP - Portland, OR
3/5/98 Salmon EFH presentation to SSC - Portland, OR
3/9/98 Groundfish, Salmon, CPS EFH presentations to PFMC Habitat Committee - San Francisco, CA
3/11/98 Salmon EFH presentation to Salmon Advisory Subpanel (SAS) and Council
4/6-4/9/98 Draft NMFS EFH recommendations for CPS, Groundfish, and Salmon presented to PFMC and public hearing held on draft NMFS EFH recommendations - Portland, OR
4/14/98 Public hearing on draft NMFS EFH recommendations for Groundfish and Salmon held - Seattle, WA
4/15/98 Public hearing on draft NMFS EFH recommendations for Groundfish, Salmon, and CPS held - San Francisco, CA
4/16/98 Public hearing on draft NMFS EFH recommendations for Salmon held - Boise, ID
6/22-6/26/98 Final NMFS EFH recommendations presented to PFMC, Council adopts draft EFH amendments for groundfish and CPS for public comment - Seattle, WA
9/8/98 Public hearings on draft groundfish and CPS EFH amendments - Eureka and Long Beach, CA 
9/9/98 Public hearings on draft groundfish and CPS EFH amendments - Monterey, CA and Seattle, WA
9/10/98 Public hearing on draft groundfish and CPS EFH amendments - Astoria, OR
9/11/98 Public hearing on draft groundfish and CPS EFH amendments - Newport, OR
9/14-9/18/98 PFMC adopts final EFH amendments for groundfish and CPS FMPs and draft EFH amendment for salmon FMP - Sacramento, CA
11/2-11/6/98 PFMC adopts final EFH amendment for salmon FMP - Portland, OR
North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC)
3/2/98  NMFS AK Region EFH Core Team met to review draft NEPA document and preliminary EFH recommendations - Juneau, AK.
3/3/98 Public meeting and EFH workshop held to update and get public comments on the EFH habitat assessments - Juneau, AK
4/3/98 Draft NMFS EFH recommendation submitted to NPFMC
4/20-4/25/98 NPFMC, Science and Statistics Committee, and Habitat Advisory Panel met and reviewed NEPA document and EFH designations. Public meeting on NEPA document and recommended EFH designations held - Anchorage, AK
5/6/98 Draft Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review and final EFH recommendation released for public review
5/11/98 Final NMFS EFH recommendation submitted to the NPFMC



NPFMC, Science and Statistics Committee, and Habitat Advisory Panel met and conducted final review and approved NEPA document and EFH designations. Public hearing on NEPA document and EFH designation held concurrently - Dutch Harbor, AK
Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (WPFMC)
3/11-3/13/98  WPFMC Bottomfish Plan Team reviewed draft EFH amendment for Bottomfish
3/17-3/19/98 WPFMC Crustacean Plan Team/Advisory Panel reviewed draft EFH amendment for Crustaceans
3/20/98 Ecosystem and Habitat Advisory Panel reviewed draft EFH amendments
3/24-3/26/98 WPFMC Science and Statistics Committee reviewed draft EFH amendments for all FMPs
4/14-4/16/98 WPFMC reviewed draft EFH amendment
5/6-5/7/98 Pelagic Plan Team meeting held
5/20/98 Public meeting on draft NMFS EFH recommendation held
6/4/98 Precious Coral Team meeting held
7/21-7/23/98 WPFMC Science and Statistics Committee reviewed and approved draft EFH amendments for all FMPs
7/27-7/29/98 WPFMC reviewed and approved final EFH amendment