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Welcome to "Paths Less Taken - NOAA at the Ends of the Earth"

Scientists, sailors, pilots, divers, and other members of the NOAA family and its predecessor agencies have worked on every continent and in every climate that exists on Earth.

This album records but a small fraction of that experience but will take you from Arctic regions to the South Pole, island-hopping from tropics to polar regions, and from the stratosphere to the bottom of the sea.

Share the wonders of our planet with these dedicated professionals as they lead you down their paths, the "Paths Less Taken" and join NOAA on a journey to the very ends of the Earth.

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Images are arranged by themes. Click on thumbnails to view larger images. Note that not all images are contained in the albums - select the above option to view ALL current images.

NOAA At The Ends of the Earth ~ Albums

dog sled
The Arctic Field Party

(1949 - 1951)

boats and men dockside
The Northern Seas
Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas

jungle and hut
Islands in
the Sun

ice berg
The Antarctic

easter island statues
Measuring a
Planet - Satellite Triangulation
The BC-4 Program

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA),
NOAA Central Library

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Last Updated:
October 16, 2006 10:42 AM