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NASA Quest Q&A search

Now you can search over 3,500 archived questions in the NASA Quest Q&A files.

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NASA Quest's Question and Answer service provides students in K-12 grades with the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers that relate to NASA science, math and technology content. All questions will be handled in the order received. We make every effort to answer questions quickly, but we cannot promise to answer by a specific deadline due to the schedules of busy experts.

Our Q&A team and experts volunteer their valuable time to answer questions from students, educators and others. Due to the volume of questions we receive, please make sure you have researched your question and are not asking something that can be easily answered by using any of the available resources below, an encyclopedia, or the NASA Quest search engine. To locate "Frequently Asked Questions", type FAQ into the search engine.

Guidelines for Asking Questions

Please read and follow the guidelines below so that we can provide the best possible answers without unnecessary delays.

1. Please search for you answers in the Q&A Archives above, or by using your browser's search engine before submitting them to NASA Quest.
Did you know that just by using the NASA Quest Q&A search engine you could get your questions answered very quickly?  

2. We cannot answer your homework questions or help with your school projects or thesis.
Part of such an assignment is for the student to do the research on their own. You may find your questions and answers by searching the NASA Quest Archives above, in your textbooks, library books or on the internet.

3. NASA Quest is an online project and does not have materials to send to your home or school.
The NASA Educational Programs web site has made many things available for educators and students to print and use as needed. You might also try the NASA CORE web site.

4. Please include only one question per email.
If you have more than one question in an email it will take longer to process.  

5. We process questions in the order they are received. We may not be able to answer your questions by your deadline. Please research the question yourself while you are waiting for a reply from NASA Quest.
We will try to get a reply to you within 7 days but if your question needs to be routed to a busy NASA Expert it could take 2 weeks or more to get a reply.  

6. We cannot give out any personal contact information or forward your email to anyone at NASA.
This is true for NASA employees, astronauts or the volunteers who work at NASA Quest.  

7. NASA Quest Q&A does not send interviews to Astronauts or NASA employees.
You can read NASA employee biographies to learn about the work they do at NASA. You can also read the Astronaut biographies. (NASA Quest Q&A does not send any questions or email to the Astronauts.)  

8. Please be kind enough to check your spelling and grammar.
Your question may be posted to the NASA Quest Archives where they are available for anyone to see.  

9. NASA Quest cannot help you with your inventions, ideas or theories for NASA or space related products.
Please visit the following web site for more information.
Guidance for the Preparation and Submission of Unsolicited Proposals.

10. NASA Quest is not responsible for hiring NASA employees.
If you have questions about the requirements for working at NASA please go to the NASA Jobs web site for information.  

11. NASA Quest Q&A cannot advise students.
Throughout the NASA Quest site you can learn about great careers and how many individuals prepared for those careers. However, NASA Quest Q&A cannot advise students on which subjects to take to prepare for a career at NASA, give advice on which university students should attend, or which degree's they should earn.  

Ask a question

If your answers are not found by searching the archives above, or with the links provided below, please send your question to:

Helpful NASA Links:

Please note: the www.nasa.gov site is undergoing major revisions. Some of these links may not be valid at this time.

Purchasing NASA hats, t-shirts, posters, etc.:

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