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Genesis in Education Welcome to Genesis in Education. Genesis education modules are written for K-12 classroom teachers and capture student interest by using the Genesis mission as a real-world link. Aligned with the content, instruction, and assessment guidelines set forth by the National Research Council, Genesis science modules can be easily inserted in place of traditional units within a typical secondary school science curriculum. Enjoy a variety of educational products for home and school (see Topics), including online lesson plans, teacher guides and student activities, suggested assessments, and lists of additional resources and references.

High School | Middle School | Elementary School
Spotlight Feature
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Mini Module (pdf)
This mini-module focuses on the analysis of the Genesis solar wind samples. + See Interactive

  Sample Return Mini Module (pdf)
This mini-module focuses on the return of the Genesis solar wind samples.
PowerPoint Template

Data Analysis and GeneralizationsData Module
Data Analysis and Generalizations
is an advanced high school module or post-secondary module that engages students in studying real solar wind information collected from the Genesis spacecraft and posted on the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Genesis Science Data Web site.
Cosmic Chemistry: An Elemental Question
Elemental Question An Elemental Question focuses on classifying and organizing information. With the periodic table as their guide, students predict missing information based on scant evidence and focused questioning. Their quest is to find the missing evidence that is needed for further understanding of our solar system.
Cosmic Chemistry: The Sun and Solar Wind
Sun and Solar WindThe Sun and Solar Wind explores the development of the Standard Solar Model and its limitations by available instrumentation and analytical technology. Through understanding of NASA mission research on solar wind, students use their observations and data to investigate the reliability of present models.

  Cosmic Chemistry: Planetary Diversity
Planetary Diversity Planetary Diversity acquaints students with some current theories on our solar system's formation. In the absence of a universally-accepted model, students examine some proposed models and the degree to which these models explain possible patterns of planet composition, internal structure, and atmosphere.
  Cosmic Chemistry: Cosmogony
Cosmogony Cosmogony helps students explore the difficulties of conducting science on the scale of the universe. Classroom activities examine contemporary models of the origin of the universe, time and distance, and the strategy of working backward from a known final state to a reasonable initial state.

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Destination L1: A Thematic Travel Unit
Destination L1The module Destination L1: A Thematic Travel Unit takes a thematic approach to the concept of traveling and destinations. All of the major disciplines are included in a unit that can be taught simultaneously in all classes lasting about one week. The context for this module is the million-mile journey that the Genesis spacecraft took to LaGrange point 1, also known as L1. Background information for this module includes the concept of L1 from a historical and mathematical perspective.
Dynamic Design: Launch and Propulsion
Launch and Propulsion In Dynamic Design: Launch and Propulsion, students become familiar with how rockets are launched. In this module, students learn about the history of rocketry and work with variables that might affect the performance of a launch vehicle. Students work in teams to investigate one variable, in detail, by performing tests. By completing these tests they will learn the various aspects of launching a rocket. In the assessment, students engage in a competition whereby they apply what they have learned about rockets to build a launch vehicle that flies as high as possible.
Dynamic Design: The Cleanroom
The Cleanroom Dynamic Design: The Cleanroom
This education module focuses on the Genesis mission cleanroom at NASA Johnson Space Center near Houston, Texas. In Dynamic Design: The Cleanroom, students experience the requirements and conditions of working in NASA’s cleanest room. The Genesis Cleanroom Trilogy page features the Genesis Cleanroom Interactive Field Trip and the Cleanroom Technology video that accompany this module.

  Heat: An Agent of Change
Heat: An Agent of ChangeHeat: An Agent of Change focuses on the relationship between basic physical science concepts of heat and the challenges faced by the engineers designing the Genesis spacecraft. Controlling the movement of heat to prevent unwanted changes in materials requires basic understandings about thermodynamics.
  Cosmic Chemistry: Understanding Elements
Understanding ElementsCosmic Chemistry: Understanding Elements explores periodic table elements by their characteristics--much like Dmitri Mendeleev did in the 19th century. By asking questions about the building blocks of our solar system, students create mathematical models to explain differences in chemical reactivity among elements.
  Exploring Origins
Exploring Origins Exploring Origins helps students explore ideas about the origins of the solar system held by various cultures throughout the ages. Students discover that Genesis is providing data to answer age-old questions: How did the solar system come to be as we see it today? What happened when our sun and the planets formed? What elements were present at the time they formed?
  Dynamic Design: A Collection Process
Collection Process Dynamic Design: A Collection Process engages students in a data collection process using the Genesis solar wind collectors as an example. They will work in production design teams to explore how the Genesis spacecraft will collect bulk solar wind with the collector arrays.

Genesis Kids
Blast Genesis Kids is our answer to the frequent question, "What do you have for elementary students?" Genesis Kids offers mission-related classroom activities, online interactive exercises, "Ask Blast," which lets us respond to students' science questions via e-mail, and some fun print activity pages.

Genesis Webcast
Mathematics and science teachers, would you like to conduct the Webcast activity with your students? Print the teacher guide, student text, and Genesis Webcaststudent activity in Acrobat pdf format.

Adobe's Acrobat Reader©

The Portable Document Format (PDF) is used to distribute fully formatted, print-quality documents.

QuickTime Player

Some materials in the science modules require QuickTime to access. Download the free player here.

Shockwave Player

Download the free player here.

Teacher Resources
For a listing of additional resources that includes URLs, books, and periodicals, click here.

Genesis Science Modules User's Guide
If you're using Genesis science modules for the first time, read the User's Guide thoroughly before you begin. (View User's Guide as a PDF.)

Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer
Download the viewer here.
For related information on this technology upgrade, see:

Microsoft Excel Viewer
Download the viewer here.
Online spreadsheets support student learning in a variety of ways. Each spreadsheet comes with embedded student instructions, offering the user multiple opportunities to manipulate data using this technology application. For related information on this technology upgrade, see:
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