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Home > What We Do > Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management

Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management

Collective Bargaining

Dispute Resolution System Design

Workplace Mediation

Grievance Mediation

Public Policy & Negotiated Rule Making

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Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management

The Core of the FMCS Mission – Building Sound Labor-Management Relations through Mediation

For over 50 years, FMCS has promoted sound and stable labor-management relations by providing mediation assistance in contract negotiation disputes between employers and their unionized employees.

Collective Bargaining
Dispute mediation -- when a third-party neutral assists two sides in reaching agreement – is a key collective bargaining tool.
Dispute Resolution System Design
Customized systems for better organizational management of conflict and its resolution.
Workplace Mediation
Mediation services designed to address employer/employee disputes focused on equal employment opportunity, age discrimination and other issues outside the scope of collective bargaining.
Grievance Mediation
Resolving workplace grievances before they go to arbitration.
Public Policy & Negotiated Rule Making
Mediation services designed to facilitate open and inclusive rule-making and regulatory-setting processes by government agencies.