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Work Training Program

 What's New


» Opportunity Greenway opens door to green jobs


King County Jobs Initiative receives EPA training. See Executive news release

In 2008, King County will fund more than $28 million for employment and job readiness training with nearly $5.5 million of that total going toward youth programs. Get the details.


King County Work Training Program collaborates with many dedicated community partners to help create a customer focused workforce development system throughout Seattle-King County. Providing regional leadership with our partners to coordinate employment services for the homeless and people involved in justice services is a priority.

Education and employment opportunities are in place to help youth and adults become successful in their careers. We also help adults make smooth career transitions through the Seattle-King County WorkSource system. We help young people stay in school or re-engage in school through a variety of programs with our partners throughout King County that build skills to ensure success in school and work.

We are committed to providing excellent customer service! Our staff of dedicated, knowledgeable professionals are ready to connect you to the right employment and training resources to meet your needs. Please explore the options on our web site, and then contact us for more information if you see an opportunity that interests you.

We wish you the very best on your career path!

George Dignan, Administrator
Workforce Development Services

Staff Directory

work source reception desk
WorkSource Renton

Skills Lab
Digital Bridge

Learning Center North Grad
Learning Center North

Photo of Summer Work Training In-School Program Participants
Stay In School Program

New Start Activity
New Start

For more information contact:

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King County Work Training Program

e-mail us


401 5th Ave, Suite 510

TTY: 711 Relay

Seattle, WA 98104

Fax: 206-205-6565

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