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Housing & Community Development Program (HCD)

Homeless Housing Program


arrow Homeless Housing Inventory (PDF)
arrow Annual One Night Count of people who are homeless in King County, Washington. (PDF)

  General Information

Emergency Shelter

The Housing and Community Development Program (HCD) has combined funds from two federal sources - the Community Development Block Grant Program and the Emergency Shelter Grant Program - to create a Homeless Assistance Fund to provide operating funds to shelter providers throughout King County outside the City of Seattle. About $400,000 in Homeless Assistance Funds are provided annually, through a Request-For Proposal (RFP) process held every two years. The Regional Affordable Housing Program (RAHP) is a new source of operating and maintenance funds for transitional housing and emergency shelter. For more information on the Homeless Assistance Fund, a list of agencies currently receiving funding, or to be notified for the next Request-For-Proposal process, please contact Janice Hougen. Please note that capital funds for shelters can be provided through HCD's Housing Finance Program.

Transitional Housing and Services

HCD participates in administering two countywide sources of funds for transitional housing programs: HUD's McKinney Homeless funds, the largest source by far; and the State of Washington's Transitional Housing Operating and Rental Assistance Funds, providing funds for agencies serving families with children.

McKinney Supportive Housing Program Funds (federal): The McKinney Supportive Housing Program provides funding to agencies for the provision of supportive services, capital and operations of transitional housing that serve homeless people in King County. Funds are awarded through a national competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A consolidated King County/City of Seattle application for these funds is submitted annually to HUD. The local King County/City of Seattle application process commences at the beginning of the year and usually concludes by early July. There are approximately 80 McKinney funded programs throughout King County. For more information, please contact Kate Speltz. For more information about HUD's national competition for Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs which includes the McKinney Supportive Housing Program (external link), please see

Transitional Housing Operating and Rental Assistance (THOR): THOR funds are made available to King County through the Washington State Office of Community Development (OCD). The purpose of the THOR program is to provide transitional housing for homeless families with children so they can develop resources to secure and maintain suitable, affordable permanent housing. The King County THOR Program includes an Operating Subsidy Program for transitional housing facilities and a Rental Assistance Program that provides partial payments for rent assistance. King County administers the THOR funds for the entire King County region including the City of Seattle. THOR funds are allocated biannually (every two years) to providers serving homeless families in King County including Seattle. For more information, please contact Debbi Knowles.

In addition, please note that capital funds for transitional housing can be provided through our Housing Finance Program.

Finally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has established the Sound Families Initiative (external link) to help support both the capital and operating costs of new transitional housing for families in King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties. The City of Seattle helps the Gates Foundation administer this initiative.

Permanent Supportive Housing for the Disabled Homeless: The Shelter Plus Care Program

Shelter Plus Care (SPC) is a federal program of the Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance grant that funds long-term rental assistance for previously homeless people with chronic disabilities (serious mental illness, drug/alcohol addiction or HIV/AIDS). SPC is a unique rental assistance program where tenants must agree to participate in appropriate treatment and support services. King County contracts with the Plymouth Housing Group to administer the SPC program which serves clients throughout King County including Seattle. Plymouth Housing Group works with other agencies to provide the necessary support services and treatment for SPC clients. For more information, please contact Kate Speltz.

Permanent Affordable Housing

People struggling to overcome homelessness need to find permanent housing they can afford. King County supports the development of affordable housing in several different ways: please see the Housing Finance Program and Affordable Housing Incentives sections of this web site.

The King County Committee to End Homelessness:

The King County Committee to End Homelessness began as a partnership between King County, City of Seattle, United Way of King County, Seattle-King County Coalition for the Homeless, Church Council of Greater Seattle, and many Human Service Alliances throughout the County. The Committee has been charged with developing a vision to end homelessness in King County by the year 2014 as well as inspiring new resources of funding to address homelessness in the region. For additional information,
please visit the Committee's web site (external link)

Safe Harbors

Safe Harbors is a joint initiative of the City of Seattle, King County, and United Way of King County. The goal of the Safe Harbors project is to design and implement an outcome-based, HMIS (Homeless Management Information System) to facilitate timely, effecient, and effective access to needed services and supports for persons who are homeless in Seattle and King County. For more information see: (external link)

For more information contact: Carole Antoncich, Coordinator of Homeless Housing Program.

Office Contact Information:

Cheryl Markham,Program Manager
King County Housing and Community Development
401 5th Ave, Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98104

Updated: April 29, 2008


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