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Office of Domestic Finance

President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy

Community financial access Pilot

Community Financial Access Pilot - Summary

Community Financial Access Pilot - Locations

Information on the Unbanked

Additional Resources on Financial Access

Community Financial Access Pilot - Summary

The Community Financial Access Pilot (CFAP) is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Financial Education, endorsed by the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy, designed to increase access to financial services and financial education for low- and moderate income families and individuals. Best practices learned from around the country will be shared with participating communities to help them build sustainable approaches to expand financial access among community residents. Lessons learned from the pilot communities will be shared across the country so more communities can develop similar effective approaches.

Ensuring that all Americans who wish to participate in the nation's strong and diverse financial system has long been a topic of importance to the Department of the Treasury. At a minimum, approximately 10 million households (9%) currently lack a bank or credit union account. These households are more likely to: pay more for financial services such as check cashing and bill payment; be at higher risk of theft and robbery; have a harder time building assets such as buying a home, saving for education, or obtaining a small business loan; have a harder time handling financial emergencies; and do not fully benefit from local and national economies. In addition, it is estimated that 30 to 50 million other Americans have a traditional account, but use alternative financial service providers, such as check cashers and money wiring services, often incurring significantly higher costs and greater risk, than using financial products and services from a financial institution.

The goal of the Community Financial Access Pilot is to increase access to financial services and financial education for low- and moderate-income people. The U.S. Department of Treasury will implement best practices learned from Treasury’s First Accounts Program and the Financial Literacy and Education Commission’s Regional Conferences on Reaching the Unbanked. Community Consultants (Treasury staff) will provide assistance to approximately six to eight demonstration sites to implement community initiatives. At the conclusion of the pilot Treasury will release to the public information on effective practices.

  • In each pilot site, the Community Consultants will assess community needs, facilitate partnerships, work with local organizations to develop appropriate financial products, and implement financial education services.
  • The pilot is expected to implemented between June 2008 and September 2009, with results and data analysis available by December 2009.
  • The Office of Financial Education consulted with other federal agencies, non-profit organizations, and financial institutions, to identify locations for the pilot. The selected sites will include urban, suburban, and rural communities with
    low- and moderate-income populations needing financial education and financial access.
  • The pilot is designed to build local capacity to continue the initiative even after the end of the pilot.

Community Financial Access Pilot - Locations

The Office of Financial Education has currently identified the following eight communities to participate in the CFAP:

  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Jacksonville FL
  • Eastern Kentucky (rural)
  • Mississippi Delta, MS (rural)
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Brownsville, TX
  • Cowlitz County, WA
  • Fresno City and County, CA

Information on the Unbanked

Why expand financial access?
Nearly 10 million households in the United States are unbanked. These individuals and families do not have an account with a bank, thrift or credit union. Consequently, they are not able to fully participate in the local and national economies and are susceptible to:

  • pay more for financial services such as check cashing and bill payment;
  • theft and robbery due to keeping or carrying cash;
  • face challenges saving for emergencies or for the future; and
  • struggle to build a positive credit history and access affordable credit for short- and long-term needs.
  • In addition, approximately 50 million other Americans that have an account may continue to pay high interest and fees to alternative financial service providers, such as check cashers and money transfer services, rather than access the financial products and services from their financial institutions.

Who is unbanked?
Unbanked families are disproportionately:

  • Low-income individuals (nearly 30% of the lowest income families are unbanked);
  • Minorities, particularly Blacks and Hispanics (more than 20% of these groups are unbanked);
  • Young adults (13% of families headed by adults under age 35 are unbanked); and
  • Individuals who previously had an account that either they or the financial institution closed.
  • Why are people unbanked?

There are many reasons why people are unbanked, but they may be broadly summarized as follows:

  • Consumers may lack trust in the stability of financial institutions, lack knowledge and experience in using the financial system, and may perceive the costs of managing an account to outweigh the benefits.
  • Financial Institutions may not provide products that meet the needs of low-wealth, low-income consumers or they may not market to and/or provide an environment that welcomes this market segment.

What can be done to reach the unbanked?
The Treasury Department has learned from research and outreach that there are a number of effective approaches to reach unbanked people and provide access to appropriate financial services. These are summarized as:

  • financial products that are convenient, transparent and low-cost to the consumer;
  • products and services that offer to the financial institution the possibility of a long-term, profitable customer relationship;
  • financial education and counseling on budgeting, account management, and other topics;
  • outreach to low-income consumers through trusted community organizations; and
  • incentives, such as savings match or access to reduced-rate credit.

For more information about the CFAP, contact Louisa Quittman, Director, Community Programs at

Additional Resources on Financial ACcess

Resources from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency pdf icon

Information about the Financial Literacy and Education Commission’s Regional Conferences on Reaching Unbanked People

Regional Conferences on Reaching Unbanked People Summary pdf icon

Additional Resources for Regional Conferences on Reaching Unbanked People pdf icon

First Accounts Program

Elements of an Effective Banking the Unbanked Strategy pdf icon

Resources from the National Credit Union Administration pdf icon

Last Updated: August 5, 2008