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Right-of-Way Certificate Form



Ronald W. Carmichael
Division Engineer
Federal Highway Administration
610 East Fifth Street
Vancouver, Washington 98661

Dear Mr. Carmichael:

Kamiah-Pierce, ID PFH 55-1(2)

STATEMENT: As required by 23 CFR Part 635, and other pertinent Federal regulations, right-of-way has been acquired in accordance with current FHWA directives covering the acquisition of real property.

I hereby certify that all necessary rights-of-way, including control of access rights [when pertinent], have been acquired including legal and physical possession.

All occupants have vacated the lands and improvements (if appropriate), and the (AGENCY) has physical possession and the right to enter upon all lands.

There are no improvements to be removed or demolished for the above cited project.

I further certify that there were no individuals or families displaced by the above cited project. Therefore, the provisions of current FHWA directives, including 49 CFR Part 24, covering the relocation of displacees to DS&S housing and availability of adequate housing are not applicable to this project.

Dated at ________________, this ______ day of ____________, 20____.


Typed Name

* Note: Attached should be any agreements with landowners which impact construction activities. ie; Mailboxes, Approach Roads, Turnouts, Fences, Gates, etc... If these haven=t already been submitted.

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Last update: September 16, 2004