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Consolidated Plan Management Process (CPMP) Tool

 Information by State
 Print version

What's New
CPMP Ver. 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions on CPMP Version 2.0 are now posted on the CPMP Discussion Group

Announcing the new CPMP Version 2.0!
This version contains features that incorporate changes made in the Consolidated Plan final rule that became effective on March 13, 2006. It includes new worksheets dealing with annual specific objectives and annual housing goals. It also includes revisions to other worksheets that were made in response to suggestions made by grantees that used previous versions.
more... | CPMP Webpage

CPMP Pro Forma
HUD is currently reviewing Conplan/Action Plan submissions that make good use of the CPMP Tool.

 -   Elmira, NY
Elmira, NY demonstrated good use of the CPMP Tool to prepare their Consolidated Plan, including performance measures and leveraged funds.
 -   Lowell, MA
The City of Lowell's Consolidated Plan is a great example of use of the CPMP Tool.
 -   Hamilton County, OH
Hamilton County has a relatively small staff, and was able to generate a media-rich plan. It is linked here by permission from the CD Director, Mr. Domis.

Want More Information?
 -   Consolidated Planning Tools Discussion Group
HUD has made several tools available to help to make the creation of Consolidated Plan submissions easier. If you have a question or comment about any of these tools, this is the place to ask those questions and share your experiences.
 -   CPMP User Manual
This online manual shows you how to best utilize the CPMP to prepare Consolidated Plan materials and submit them to HUD.
 -   CPMP Release Notes
Grantees may see what changes have been made to the CPMP on the CPMP Release Notes Web page.
 -   CPMP Training Webcast
Watch all or part of the webcast to see how to use the tool.
 -   Contact Us
If you need help using the CPMP, or have a suggestion on how to make the CPMP more useful, send us an eMail or call 1-877-483-8282. Your feedback is important to the success of this tool!

Jump to...
 -   Download the CPMP Tool
 -   CPMP Files
 -   Completed Materials

Welcome to the Consolidated Plan Management Process (CPMP) tool. HUD has created this optional tool to assist formula grantees in meeting the requirements of a Consolidated Plan—a Strategic Plan, up to five Annual Action Plans, and up to five Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reports (CAPER).

Note that use of the tool is OPTIONAL. Grantees may still submit their Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans, and CAPERs in the format they have submitted them in the past. They may also choose to combine parts of the CPMP with formats currently used by grantees. However, where signatures are needed (i.e., SF-424s, certifications), submission of hard copies with original signatures will still be required until a methodology for electronic signatures is implemented.

It is still the responsibility of each grantee to assure compliance with applicable statutes and regulations. The CPMP will facilitate compliance only if all questions (that apply to the grantees) are answered completely and accurately. The CPMP tool, as it is currently designed, is suited more to local jurisdictions than to states. Future versions will be customized for states.

Note: The CPMP tool is a free tool developed by HUD for your use. You should never have to pay for it.

Download the CPMP Tool

This tool is comprised of nineteen (19) different documents—the CPMP main workbook, the Strategic Plan, 5 Annual Action Plans, State and Non-State Certifications, the SF424, CAPERs, the Needs workbook, the Projects workbook, and the new Specific Objectives and Goals workbooks. The tool also contains 7 folders. There are five program year Additional Files folders for you to store optional images or maps in. The new "Ver2.0_DataMigration" folder contains files that help you migrate some of your data from CPMP version 1.3 to this new one. More about this is discussed on the CPMP Version 2.0 Summary page.

You may download the entire tool in one Zip file.

You may use the different tool files individually if you like, but you must download all the pieces of the tool and have them located in the same directory.

Download the CPMP Tool Zip file (Version 2.0 3/15/2006)

NOTE: Some Data migration is available between Version 1.3 and 2.0. Please read through the instructions on the Version 2.0 Summary page before downloading the new version.)

CPMP Files

  • CPMP Main Workbook
    The CPMP main workbook has links on it to Word documents for the Strategic Plan, the Annual Action Plans, and CAPERs along with Excel workbooks for Priority Needs and Projects. In order for the links to work, all of these subsidiary files must be downloaded, as well. All files should be kept in the same directory.

  • Strategic Plan
    The CPMP Strategic Plan contains all of the components necessary to set forth program goals, specific objectives, annual goals, and benchmarks for measuring progress.

  • Annual Action Plans
    The CPMP Annual Action Plans include the SF 424, Grantee Certifications, and Narrative Responses to Action Plan questions that CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, and ESG grantees must respond to each year in order to be compliant with the Consolidated Planning Regulations. The Executive Summary narratives are optional.

  • SF424
    HUD Standard Form 424.

  • Certifications
    - State Certifications
    - Non-State Certifications

  • CAPERs
    The CPMP CAPERs include Narrative Responses to CAPER questions that CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, and ESG grantees must respond to each year in order to be compliant with the Consolidated Planning Regulations. The Executive Summary narratives are optional.

  • Needs Workbook
    The CPMP Needs workbook includes worksheets for Housing Market Analysis, Homeless Needs, Non-homeless Needs, Community Development Needs, Regulatory Barriers, and HOPWA. Use the worksheets to designate the relative priority to be given to each category of needs for the period of time designated in the strategic plan. Buttons on the CPMP main workbook link directly to each of the worksheets.

    Note: If you only choose to use an individual worksheet, you may delete the unused worksheets from the workbook.

  • Projects Workbook
    Use the CPMP Projects workbook to enter information on projects that will be carried out during the program year with grant funds made available for the program year and, if applicable, funds made available from prior year funds. The workbook also contains a worksheet for Section 108. Buttons on the CPMP main workbook link directly to each of the worksheets.

  • Summaries Workbook
    The new "Summaries.xls" gives you a place to record your annual Specific Objectives and Multi-Year Specific Objectives.

  • Goals Workbook
    The new "Goals.xls" lets you track your Annual Houising Completion Goals and the Resources used.

  • Additional Files Folders
    Use the Additional Files folders to house your optional images and maps for each program year. These folders are for your use. If you do not need them, you may go ahead and delete them from the CPMP directory.

Completed Materials

Using the CPMP, you may now submit your Consolidated Planning materials almost entirely in electronic format! Please be sure to save all of the different documents to a single folder for simplicity. Several different workbooks and documents are attached to this tool.

Soft Copy Submission by eMail: A special CPMP mailbox has been created to receive CPMP submissions up to 2 megabytes. If you are including large files like graphical maps, you may have to send multiple eMails to submit the entire CPMP.
Soft Copy Submission by Delivery: If you have the facilities you may burn the materials to a compact disc (CD) and send that in.
Hard Copy Submission: As always, you may submit materials in hard copy through the mail or delivery.

Remember: The certifications and SF 424 portion of the Action Plan require signatures and must be mailed to HUD regardless of whether you send a soft copy.

Content updated April 10, 2008   Follow this link to go  Back to Top   
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