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Forest Practices

Conversion Option Harvest Plans

Conversion Option Harvest Plans are voluntary timber harvesting plans developed by landowners and approved by the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services. These plans indicate restrictions on timber harvest, road location, sensitive areas protection, and erosion sedimentation control. In short, Conversion Option Harvest Plans define the local government standards and regulations which the landowner must follow in areas where future land conversion (development) may occur.

Conversion Option Harvest Plans are typically developed if the property owner is uncertain on what they intend to do with their property in the future. An approved Conversion Option Harvest Plan will protect the right to develop property without being subjected to a 6 year development moratorium, which would typically be imposed after a timber harvest.

COHP review fees are assessed at the Department's current hourly rate ($144.90/hour as of January 1, 2004) for all professional staff review and inspection time. An estimate of total review costs will be prepared in conjunction with the pre-application meeting. A deposit, covering 50% of the estimated total cost, will be required with the application. If the pre-application meeting is waived, an initial deposit of $289.80 will be required at the time of filing the application and the estimate of total review costs will be prepared within twenty-eight days of the filing of the application. The 50% deposit will be required prior to the Department commencing review of the application.

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Updated: December 20, 2004

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