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Wildlife Control and Management

Factsheets (alphabetical, by title)

APHIS Services for the Aquaculture Industry

Assisting American Aquaculture

Benefits of Wildlife Services

The Brown Tree Snake

Careers in Wildlife Services

Controlling Wildlife Damage on Public Lands

Effects of Wildlife Services on Predator Populations

GonaCon-Birth Control for Deer, Q & A

The Electronic Guard: A Tool in Predation Control

Landscaping To Avoid Wildlife Conflicts

Livestock Guarding Dogs

Livestock Protection Collar

Living With Wildlife

Low-Powered Lasers: Another Nonlethal Tool for Resolving Wildlife Damage

M-44 Sodium Cyanide Ejector Mechanism

Mobile Rabies Command Post

National Environmental Policy Act

National Wildlife Research Center Invasive Species Research Building: Q&A

National Wildlife Research Center technote: Evolution of Remote Trap Monitors


Have you seen these? [Oral rabies vaccination baits]

Oral Rabies Vaccination Program in the East

OvoControl™ G–Oral Contraceptive Bait for Canada Geese: Questions and Answers

Permanent Injunction and Final Judgment

Preventing the Spread of Raccoon Rabies

Preventing the Westward Spread of Rabies

The Rabies Management Challenge

Safety Review, Wildlife Services'

Sheep and Lamb Predator Death Loss Report: USDA Releases

Solutions Through Science: Economics of Wildlife Damage Management

Solutions Through Science: Protecting Sunflowers from Blackbirds

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: European Starling and Blackbird Wetting Agent (Tech Note)

Urban and Suburban Coyotes

Wildlife Services

Wildlife Services Assistance at Dairy Facilities

Wildlife Disease Surveillance and Emergency Response

WS Assistance at Airports

WS Assistance with Waterfowl

Outreach Materials (alphabetical, by title)

Bird Predation and its Control at Aquaculture Facilities

Blackbird Damage to Sunflowers and Grain Crops in the Northern Great Plains, Controlling

Brown Tree Snake, Be Aware of the (tent card)

Brown Tree Snake, No Escape From Guam: Stopping the Spread of the

Brown Tree Snake, Pest Alert: The (poster)

Caribbean Tree Frogs in Hawaii, Pest Alert

Feral Swine

Find the Words (crossword puzzle)

Human-Wildlife Conflicts, Innovative Solutions to

Livestock Guarding Dogs

Living With Wildlife: Both Sides of the Coin (activity sheets)

Living With Wildlife (black and white coloring poster)

Living With Wildlife Color Poster

Managing Bird Damage to America's Resources, Wildlife Services

Managing Wildlife Conflicts: The Mission of the Wildlife Services

National Wildlife Research Center

National Wildlife Research Center Accomplishments 2005: Innovative Solutions to Human-Wildlife Conflicts

National Wildlife Research Center: Evaluation of Remote Trap Monitors

Predation, Wildlife Services: Helping Producers Manage

Raccoon Rabies, Preventing the Spread of

Raccoon Rabies: Have you seen these? [Oral rabies vaccination baits]

Strike One—You're Out! Wildlife Services Helps Reduce Wildlife Conflicts at Airports

Vultures, Reducing Damage Caused by


Last Modified: September 3, 2008