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Reclamation Generator Total Capacity

Reclamation's current nameplate rated installed capacity is 14,827,368 kW. This represents a total of 194 generating units located in 58 powerplants for which Reclamation has operating responsibility.

Present Status of the Power Uprating Program

As of September, 2005, generator uprates have been completed on 62 units resulting in an increase in Reclamation generator nameplate capacity of 1,867,373 kilowatts. We recently completed the uprating of three originally rated 75,000 kW units at Shasta Powerplant to a rating of 142,000 kW each by replacing the original turbines. This program accounted for an average increase in capacity of the uprated units of 49.9 percent and represents 12 percent of Reclamation's total capacity. Figure 1 (d) shows the capacity added each year of Reclamation's Power Uprating Program, and Figure 2 (e) shows the generator units uprated each year. Figure 3 (f) shows the kilowatts added per plant. For more information on Reclamation's uprating program see Reclamation's Generator Power Uprate Program Report at http://www.usbr.gov/power/data/uprate/uprate.html. Present activities involve increasing the efficiency of many of our units by the replacement of the turbines. This usually does not result in an increased capacity rating for the units.

Image of Shasta Powerplant Image of Boise River Diversion Powerplant Thumbnail image of Table 1
(a) Shasta Powerplant

(b) Boise River Diversion Powerplant

(c) Table 1

Thumbnail image of chart Capacity added each year Thumbnail image of chart Units uprated each year Thumbnail image of chart Kilowatts added per plant
(d) Figure 1 - Capacity added each year (e) Figure 2 - Units uprated each year (f) Figure 3 - Kilowatts added per plant

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