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Role of the County (or other local agency)

While counties/boroughs do not have a direct role in the decision making process of the FHP, they are involved in the program because many of the present FH needs are on roads under the jurisdiction of and maintained by counties/boroughs. The county/borough:
  1. Works with the local forest engineer and State Highway representatives in identifying candidate FH routes and projects and coordinates with the local forest engineer and State to ensure that they support the proposed route or project. The State Highway agency will propose the county/borough project or route to the Tri-Agency group.
  2. May contribute cooperative funds to assist in construction or improvement of a FH project.
  3. Role will expand to include the following when a project on a county/borough road is selected for FH funding:
    1. Enter into a project agreement with FHWA.
    2. Cooperate with FHWA in the development of the project.
    3. Appoint a member to the SEE Team to study location alternatives and to obtain environmental clearance for a project.
    4. Concur in the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E).
    5. Inspect and approve final construction.
    6. Accept jurisdiction of and maintain the project when construction is completed.

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Last update: September 16, 2004