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Human Resources

Capital Human Resources

Release Notes 3.4.8

Pay Period 12
June 6, 2008

The following items have been moved (migrated) to Production for use by Agencies beginning on June 6, 2008.

  • IM136310 - 980 CAN corrections inserted on separated employees.

    ISSUE: CAN Corrections actions submitted by AFPS users for separated employees should be rejected as they are for separated consultants; but instead they have been inserting a 980 action to update the CAN, and updating the CAN on any other actions subsequent to the requested effective date.


    1. When a CAN Correction action is submitted, the batch processing logic will check to make sure that the employee is active, as it already does for consultants, before inserting a 980 CAN update action.
    2. The test in 1 above will also eliminate, for a terminated employee, update of the CAN field in any other actions that have been submitted with effective date later than the CAN update request effective date.
    3. When a user submits a CAN Correction request for a separated employee, the reported “Action Taken” will be “SEPARATED EMPL – NO UPDATE.”

    USER IMPACT: Terminated employees will no longer have erroneous 980 CAN update actions generated through the CAN Corrections process. However, at this time, old erroneous processing results have not been reversed, so until a data cleanup is performed, some separated employees continue to carry an incorrect CAN that is not the one that they had at the time of separation.

  • IM140534 - When canceling a PAR action, cancel “linked” rows.

    ISSUE: When a user cancels a PAR action, any 002 corrections to that PAR actions still have a PAR Status of “Corrected”, even though the action is now considered void.


    1. When a PAR action is cancelled, any “linked” actions (actions with the same Effective Date and Transaction # but a higher Sequence #) to that event will likewise be cancelled/withdrawn. (Note that these linked records should ALWAYS have a PAR status of “Corrected” – but upon review of the data, this is not always the case). If the PAR Status of a linked row is PRO or COR, we will change it to CAN; otherwise, we will change it to WTH (Withdrawn). The user will receive an informational message that these 002 corrections will also be cancelled. However, only the original row will be sent to DFAS (on the Personnel Daily interface), not the “linked” actions.
    2. There are existing, cancelled PAR actions (data currently in the system) where the transaction sequence # is 1 but non-cancelled 002 corrections rows exist above it with the same Effective Date, Transaction #, NOA Code, and a higher Sequence #. For each case where users wish these 002 correction actions cancelled, please submit a Peregrine ticket and we will take care of it.
    3. Cancellations of a PAR action will NOT be allowed if there exists another PAR action for the employee, with the same Effective Date and Transaction #, and a higher Sequence #, but with a different NOA code. Users must first move one of the PAR actions to different transaction #.
    4. When a user cancels an award, the rows “above” (i.e. with the same Effective Date and Transaction # but with a higher Sequence #) must have a PAR Status of “Corrected”, or these rows will not be automatically cancelled.

    USER IMPACT: Employees will no longer have orphan rows in their records, because an original PAR action was cancelled, which can cause issues when users process new PAR actions in the future. This will also ensure the employee data remains accurate and reporting on employee data remains accurate.

  • IM143607 - Display of, and access to, PAR actions.


    1. On cancelled rows, no details can be seen (fields are not displayed).
    2. Users are not prevented from canceling a 9xx NOA.
    3. The “Reviewed” checkbox is displayed at certain times / on certain records where it is irrelevant.
    4. No change to the Transaction # should be allowed on an 002 correction.


    1. For cancelled PAR actions, we now show the fields as display-only instead of hiding them (i.e. not displaying them at all).
    2. In the Cancel Personnel Action USF menu option, do not allow cancellations to PAR actions with a 9xx NOA.
    3. The "Reviewed" checkbox will no longer appear on rows with a PAR Status of Cancelled or Withdrawn, and will not appear at all in the Cancel Personnel Action USF menu option. (Users cannot change any field values in these cases, so having the Reviewed checkbox on these rows is irrelevant).
    4. Now, when the PAR Status is “Corrected”, the Transaction # will be display-only. If the user changes the transaction # of the original row, the Transaction # of the 002 corrections to that row will be changed as well.

    USER IMPACT: Users will now be able to see the data on cancelled rows. This will help users determine if errors received are due to data on a cancelled row.

  • IM143609 - Validation of the Legal Authority fields.


    1. Currently, the validation for Legal Authority #1 is NOA-dependent (the value you are allowed to enter is based upon the NOA code you have entered). However, for Legal Authority #2, you can enter any valid legal authority code regardless of the NOA.
    2. Legal authority code ZLM is not allowed for every NOA that it should.
    3. There are only certain legal authority values allowed on a PAR action which has been cancelled; however, we are not enforcing this.


    1. We will change the validation of Legal Authority #2 to be NOA-dependent as with Legal Authority #1.
    2. For any NOA code which already allowed a legal authority to be entered legal authority ZLM will now be allowed as well. (If the NOA did not allow any legal authority codes, ZLM will not be allowed)
    3. When a PAR action is cancelled, we will change the allowable values for the Legal Authority fields.
    Legal values will be:






    OPM Directive.


    (MSPB Decision number and date)


    EEOC Decision and date


    Court Decision and date


    5 U.S.C. 302. Delegation of personnel authority.


    Labor Rel Decision and date.


    Agency Directive or Order


    5 U.S.C. 5596. Back pay.

    USER IMPACT: When processing and cancelling PAR actions users will only be allowed to enter Legal Authorities approved by OPM.

  • IM144004 - Setting of the EOD Date on concurrent hires.

    ISSUE: The EOD Date is not always getting set on concurrent hires, resulting in errors when processing follow on par and benefit actions.

    RESOLUTION: Set the EOD Date to equal the PAR Effective Date of the ADL (Concurrent Appointment) action.

    USER IMPACT: Employees with concurrent appointments will have a valid EOD date on all appointments. This will ensure that future actions, both par and benefits, can be processed successfully.

  • IM143664 - Access to the “Detail” fields (PAR Pages, Job tab, Detail hyperlink)

    ISSUE: The “detail” fields – GVT Detail Position Number, Bargaining Unit, and Union Code – are being entered at inappropriate times.


    1. Allow entry of the Detail fields (Position #, Bargaining Unit, and Union Code) only on a 930 NOA (start of detail – action DET). These fields should be display-only the rest of the time.
    2. When the 930 NOA is entered, Position # and Bargaining Unit on the Detail hyperlink are mandatory, meaning they will require a value to save the action. (Union Code is also mandatory if Bargaining Unit is not "8888”)
    3. If the detail field values are modified, cascade them “forward” until the detail ends.
    4. Once a detail is entered, the detail fields will carry forward to future PAR actions until either:
      • a 932 NOA is entered to end the detail; or
      • if the employee moves to an inactive status (terminates, retires, etc.)
      If either of these conditions occurs, blank out the Detail fields (but they remain display-only).

    USER IMPACT: The users will only be allowed to update the detail fields on appropriate par actions. This will ensure the detail information is valid and accurate.

  • IM143763 - Restrictions on changing Transaction #, plus some error-prevention changes


    1. Users are not prevented from changing a PAR Transaction # to an already-existing Transaction #. This allows the “merging”, under the same Transaction #, of unrelated events.
    2. Creating 002 corrections to PAR actions with a 9xx NOA code is now prevented.
    3. If a PAR action has 002 Corrections, the Transaction # of the original row may be changed without the Transaction # of the 002 corrections changing accordingly. Thus, the actions become “separated” or “unrelated”.
    4. Trying to insert a PAR action under certain conditions is invalid, but EHRP does not effectively prevent it. An error message is displayed, but the row is still created, and many display-only fields become accessible.


    1. You can no longer change the transaction # on a PAR action to already-existing transaction # for that same effective date.
    2. Prevent 002 corrections to PAR actions with a 9xx NOA code.
    3. If a user changes the Transaction # on a PAR action, and that action has associated 002 corrections, the Transaction #s for those 002 corrections will likewise be changed.
    4. Under certain conditions, inserting a PAR action should not be allowed, but EHRP was not effectively preventing these cases. This situation has been corrected, and when a user attempts to insert, he will be forced to exit the menu option.
      These conditions include:
      • attempting to create an 002 correction on an 002 correction
      • attempting to create an 002 correction on a cancelled action
      • attempting to insert a PAR action when the existing row's PAR Status is not "Processed" or "Corrected"
      • attempting to insert a second PAR action from certain menu options (Hire Employee USF, Concurrent Hire USF)

    USER IMPACT: Transaction /seq on PAR actions will remain in synch, even when manipulation by users occurs. This will also ensure that employee data remains in synch as well as reporting remains accurate.

  • IM133256_III - Phase 3 – Non-pay-raise related interfaces.

    ISSUE: A Pay Rate Determinant (PRD) of ‘5’ or ‘7’ is not allowed except on PAR actions with a 1xx NOA. When an auto-generated action occurs, the system generates the action with the incorrect PRD.

    RESOLUTION: Source code modifications will automatically change the Pay Rate Determinant (PRD) to the proper code on NTE Termination & PCA STOP actions (i.e. the PRD 5 will be changed to a 6(Special Rate), and the PRD 7 will be changed to 0 (Regular Rate).

    USER IMPACT: Employees with a pay rate determinant (PRD) of 5 or 7 that have a termination or PCA Stop action processed automatically will have their pay rate determinant correctly updated to regular rate by the NTE Termination and PCA Stop processes. Users will not have to manually correct the PRD for these employees.

  • IM144418 - Correction of PAR Status on award action created by Mass Mask Employee Awards.

    ISSUE: When using the Mass Mask Employee Awards menu option, if the employee’s latest Processed/Corrected PAR action (on or before the award effective date) was Corrected, the PAR status of the new award action was likewise “Corrected”.

    RESOLUTION: Change the program so that the PAR Status of the award action created is always “Processed” (PRO). In addition a clean-up script will be run to correct the PAR status from “Corrected” to “Processed” on existing award PAR actions. These PAR actions were resent.

    USER IMPACT: Awards processed via the Mass Mask Employee Award process will have the correct PAR Status.

  • IM144011 - Correction to Personnel Office ID (POI) 1095.

    ISSUE: User trying to create a position with an effective date in 2003, when doing so POI 1095 is not a valid option, though it is the correct POI to use.

    RESOLUTION: POI 1095 was missing the first effective dated row of Jan 01, 1940. This row was inserted into the POI table.

    USER IMPACT: Users can now create or correct positions, using the POI 1095, back to the effective date of Jan 1, 1940, if needed.

  • IM132814 - Auto-WGI modifications.

    ISSUE: Two issues have been identified with the Auto-WGI (FGHR002B) process:

    1. The FEGLI Base for GP employees is not calculated correctly.
    2. Employees who reach the max step for their grade are given the incorrect WGI status of “W” (waiting).

    RESOLUTION: Logic changes were made to resolve issues:

    1. FEGLI Base will now include both Base and Locality if necessary.
    2. Employees who reach max step will be assigned appropriate status of “N/A”

    USER IMPACT: Employees processed by the Auto-WGI process will receive the correct FEGLI base, as well as the correct WGI status depending on their step.

  • IM136537 - Implement Forgot Password feature in EHRP.

    ISSUE: The password control settings in EHRP includes a high degree of restrictions that mandates the password to be mixed case with a number, a special character, no historical passwords and disables the account in 3 incorrect logon attempts. However, when a user forgets their password, there is no “self service” Forgot Password functionality available that will allow them to reset/retrieve their own passwords without the dependence on calling the Security Administrators.

    RESOLUTION: Completed the setup of Forgot Password feature. This involved the following: (1) Modify and add source code: including components, pages and peoplecode (2) Create new User ID, Role and Permission List (3) Write DMS and SQL scripts (4) Create new Web Profile (5) Create new Web site – separate for each environment and (6) Modify the signin.html and configuration.properties files and create a new signout_wx.html file

    USER IMPACT: All EHRP users will see a new “Forgot your password?” hyperlink in the main sign-in page. Users will be able to setup a security/challenge question and a response. Should they forget their EHRP password; they can use the “Forgot your password?” link, go through the challenge question/validation process which will reset the passwords and email it to their HHS email account. Note: Password will be expired at the time of reset, forcing the user to change it on their first sign-in.

  • IM141075 - Query Request- modify HE0246

    ISSUE: Query timing out

    RESOLUTION: SQL tuning to enhance performance. See chart for all parameter and data field information.

    USER IMPACT: Users can run HE0246 successfully and the query will return results based on criteria.

  • IM144392 - Query Request- modify HE0103

    ISSUE: Query timing out. In addition, new data field requested, deptid.

    RESOLUTION: SQL tuning to enhance performance. In addition the field DEPTID was added to the result set. See chart for all parameter and data field information.

    USER IMPACT: Users can run HE0103 successfully and the query will return results based on criteria.

  • IM143056 - New Query Request

    ISSUE: Create query similar to HE0126 (PSP Amounts), but remove specified fields and add some new fields.

    RESOLUTION: New query (HE0347) created, removing Earnings Code and Description and adding Jobcode and Position Nbr. See chart for all parameter and data field information.

    USER IMPACT: Users can run HE0347 to pull PSP information with the new data fields requested.














EHRP Public Queries




Data Provided


PSC Amounts

End Date, Business Unit, Deptid

Dept ID
Employee Name
Employee ID
Job Code
Base Pay
Loc Adjust
Total Pay
Service Date
End Date


Compare jobcode with position to verify correct jobcode

Deptid Like

Empl Rcd


Reports all Employees where their job Reports To does not equal their position data Reports To


Pay Plan
Occupational Series
Position Title
Position Number
Reports To (Job)
Reports To (Position Data)

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Last revised: June 27, 2008


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