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Human Resources

Capital Human Resources

Release Notes 3.3.4 / 3.3.5

Pay Period 25
December 07, 2007

The following items have been moved (migrated) to Production for use by Agencies beginning on December 07, 2007.

  • IM125475 – Error trying to save data in the Position Data menu option.

    ISSUE: On certain records, users received a “Data being updated does not exist” error when trying to make a change to an existing record and then saving.

    RESOLUTION: The Effective Date field for these records contained a time portion and should just have a date portion, not date + time. This was causing the error. We removed the time portion from the Effective Date field. We did the same for the Action Date field (there were many cases where this also contained a time portion).

    USER IMPACT: Users will no longer receive an error message, position data will be saved as expected.

  • IM126972 – Incomplete 0N20 Wage Grade table updates as of 11/06/07

    ISSUE: Wage Grade rates for table 0N20 were updated as of 11/06/07. Our tables still reflected prior values.

    RESOLUTION: Updated 0N20 tables to include the new most current values with an effective date of 11/06/07.

    USER IMPACT: Users can now update employees assigned to the 0N20 Wage Grade Table and they will be paid at the most current rates.

  • IM127067 – Award Data error received when trying to process PAR Actions.

    ISSUE: Award Data was missing on prior auto generated Award Data actions. This was due to a new edit that is validating data on certain fields on all award actions.

    RESOLUTION: At this point, in order to allow users to save their data, we are removing the edit to require data on all award actions. We will clean up the award data and replace the edit in the future.

    USER IMPACT: Users will no longer receive an error message and PAR actions can be saved.

  • IM128853 – Error message for employees with a missing Benefit Program value.

    ISSUE: On PAR actions for certain employees, users were getting an error message indicating that the Benefit Program must be filled in, even though it appears to have a value when viewed on the screen.

    RESOLUTION: There was an issue in the database that has been resolved.

    USER IMPACT: Missing Benefit Program error message will no longer occur; users will be able to save PAR Actions.

  • IM128833 – EHRI Edits, error determining the prior row.

    ISSUE: Some of the EHRI Edits compare the row being inserted/modified to the “prior” row. The code which determines the appropriate prior row had an error – if there were PAR actions on the same effective date as the modified row, but with an earlier transaction # than the action you are modifying, these actions were skipped. So the “prior” row obtained was always on an earlier effective date. Since the wrong “prior” row was selected for comparison in the EHRI edits, you could either (a) receive an error when it not appropriate or (b) not receive an error when you should.

    RESOLUTION: Corrected programming so that if an earlier PAR action on the same effective date should be the prior row, that row will be selected for comparison.

    USER IMPACT: EHRI edits will now correctly identify the prior row for comparison.

  • IM129102 – Validation of the Creditable Military Service field.

    ISSUE: The Creditable Military Service field (Veterans Information link) is a 4-digit field. The last 2 digits indicate the # of months of service. However, we do not currently edit the last 2 digits.

    RESOLUTION: Require the last 2 digits of the Creditable Military Service field to be less than 12.

    USER IMPACT: Users will now be required to enter a value less than 12 for the last two digits in this field.

  • IM123517 – Issue with the automatic termination program

    ISSUE: Users were not able to restart health benefits and savings plans when rehiring an employee who was terminated through the automatic process.

    RESOLUTION: Corrected programming so the correct dates are being populated on the termination row, therefore the correct information is coming forward on the rehire which will allow benefits and savings plans to be entered.

    USER IMPACT: Users will now be able to key health benefits and savings plans for rehired employees when they were terminated through the automatic process.

  • IM128680 – updates to EHRI Edits functionality.


    • Edit #100.10.3 (If either current appointment authority is BPM, H2L, J8M, UFM, V8K, VEM, VPE, Wxx, Xxx, Yxx, ZVB, or ZVC, then position occupied must be 2 ["excepted"]) is not currently enforced. We thought it was enforced by existing code, but this assumption was incorrect. We added code to enforce edit. Note that this edit will be inactivated (for now) in production. We will enable it when the HR centers have had a chance to clean up the errors and are ready.

    • In the 650.xx.x and 652.xx.x (pay plan and pay rate determinant relational edits), the edit from OPM checks the edit as of the PAR Effective Date; we added customized checks to compare the same condition as of the current date. These checks end with a zero in the edit number (e.g. 650.19.0). We may not use it –, some of the edits are marked as "currently enforced" – but it took little time to make the change, and this gives us more flexibility.

    • For the EHRI Edits Report SQL definitions for edits 100.04.1(If either current appointment authority is YBM, YGM, Y1M, Y2M, or Y3M, and pay plan is GS, then occupation [Occupational Series] must be xx99 (where "xx" represents the first two positions of a valid occupation code), 100.10.3 (If either current appointment authority is BPM, H2L, J8M, UFM, V8K, VEM, VPE, Wxx, Xxx, Yxx, ZVB, or ZVC, then position occupied must be 2 ["excepted"]. ), 100.19,3, (If either current appointment authority is: ABS,ACM,AYM,A2M,A7M,BBM,BEA,BGL,BKM,BLM,BMA,BMC,BNE,BNK,BNW, BRM,BSE,BSS,BSW,BTM,BWA,BWE,HDM,HGM,HJM,HLM,HNM,HRM,H3M,KLM, KQM,KTM,KVM,KXM,K1M,K4M,K7M,K9M,LBM,LEM,LHM,LJM,LKM,LKP,LLM, LPM,LSM,LWM,LYM,LZM,L1K,L1M,L3M,MCM,MEM,MGM,MJM,MLL,MLM,MMM, MXM,M6M,M8M,NAM,NCM,NEM,NFM,NJM,NMM,NUM,Q3M,VHM,VJM,V8L,V8N, ZBA,ZGM,ZGY,ZJK,ZJM,ZMM,ZQM,ZTM, ZTU, Z2W, Z5B, Z5C, Z5D, Z5E, or Z5H, then position occupied must be 1 ["competitive"])and 100.22.3 (If either current appointment authority begins with M or N (other than NUM), then tenure must be 0 ["none"] or 3 ["indefinite"]), remove the restriction (created by HHS) that we only enforce these edits on 1xx and 5xx NOA actions (previously done because of unreliable CAA values).

    • Find a way to identify those edits which should be checked via the report, but not enforced online. In the EHRI Edits Table, we added a new field – Report Only. This will indicate if an edit is meant to be checked in the EHRI Edits Report, but NOT enforced online. At the present time, this includes all edits which are compared against the current PAR action only; but in future, we may add other edits to the “Report Only” category

    • Edit 110.02.2 (If nature of action is 300, then the effective date of personnel action year must be 50 or more years later than the birth date year) – a programming error was causing this edit to fail. The programming error has now been corrected.

    • For corrected rows (i.e. PAR actions with a 002 correction on top of it), we added code so that if a PAR action has been corrected (i.e. a 002 correction exists on top of it), all edits are skipped on that corrected row which deal with a PRIOR row.

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Last revised: March 13, 2008


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