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The National Ocean Conference was a major U.S. contribution to the celebration of the International Year of the Ocean. It was held in Monterey, California, June 11 & 12.

The conference highlighted the important role the ocean plays in the daily lives of people. The attendance of President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore demonstrates the Administration's commitment to addressing critical ocean issues.

Organized by Commerce Secretary William Daley and Navy Secretary John Dalton, the conference included representatives of academia, environmental groups, business and industry, and local, state and federal government.

Oceans sustain life on Earth and provide us with many vital resources. They are a source of food, energy, commerce, medicine, and recreation. They shape our weather, link us to other nations, and are critical to our national security. In the 21st century, we will look increasingly to the ocean to meet our everyday needs.

Our lives are inextricably linked to the ocean. One of every six jobs in the United States is marine-related, and one-third of our Gross Domestic Product is produced in the coastal zone through fishing, transportation, recreation and other industries. Our national security and foreign trade are dependent on preserving freedom of navigation on the high seas for military and commercial vessels worldwide.

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