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projects > interrelation of everglades hydrology and florida bay dynamics to ecosystem processes and restoration in south florida > project bibliography

Project Bibliography

Data Reports | Graduate Theses | Publications | Technical Presentations

Data Reports:

Anderson, G.H. & T.J. Smith III. 1999. Data Summary for the 1998 Water Year. Land-margin Ecosystem Research Program, Mangrove Hydrology Project. USGS/BRD, Florida Caribbean Science Center.

Anderson, G.H., T.J. Smith III & W.K. Nuttle. 1999. Data Summary for the 1997 Water Year. Land-margin Ecosystem Research Program, Mangrove Hydrology Project. USGS/BRD, Florida Caribbean Science Center.

Graduate Theses:

de Wit, C. 2002. "Mangrove development in Everglades National Park." Undergraduate Thesis, Department of Hydrology & Water Management, International Agricultural Hogeschool, Larenstein. The Netherlands. Major Advisor.

Riggs, D.M. 2000. M.Sc. Thesis. "The influence of habitat on the distribution and abundance of small mammals in the Southwest Everglades." Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University. Miami, FL. Co-Major Advisor.

Romero, L.M. 1999. M.Sc. Thesis. "Physicochemical factors controlling woods decomposition of three Florida mangroves." Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University. Miami, FL. Co-Major Advisor.

Van Leth, I. 1999. Undergraduate Thesis. "Lightning gap dynamics in the mangroves of the southwest coast of Florida, USA." Department of Tropical Forestry, International Agricultural Hogeschool, Larenstein. The Netherlands. Major Advisor.


Allen, J.A., K.C. Ewel, B.D. Keeland, T. Tara & T.J. Smith III. 2000. Downed wood in Micronesian mangrove forests. Wetlands, 20: 169-176. (Refereed Journal Article)

Bolster, Carl H., Genereux, David P., and James E. Saiers. Determination of Specific Yield for the Biscayne Aquifer with a Canal-Drawdown Test: Ground Water, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 768-777, Oct 2001.

Bolster, Carl H. and James E. Saiers. Development and evaluation of a mathematical model for surface-water flow within the Shark River Slough of the Florida Everglades: Journal of Hydrology (Amsterdam) [J. Hydrol. (Amst.)]. Vol. 259, no. 1-4, pp. 221-235. 1 Mar 2002.

Foster, A.M., T.J. Smith III, P. Briere, J.W. Jones, & C. van Arsdall. In Press. The 1940 aerial photo set: Lake Okeechobee to the Everglades. Florida Caribbean Science Center. Open File Report 02 - xxx. CD-ROM.

Fry, B. & T.J. Smith III. In Press. Stable isotope studies of red mangroves and filter feeders from the Shark River Estuary, Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science. 31pp + 3 tables, 7 figs.

Jenter, H.L., R.W. Schaffranek & T.J. Smith III. Director's Approval. Diel temperature cycles dominate vertical mixing in an Everglades marsh water column: Implication for ecosystem restoration. Submitted to Nature. 5pp + 4 figs.

Romero, L.M., J.W. Fourqurean & T.J. Smith III. Director's Approval. Environmental and species effects on wood decomposition in a South Florida mangrove forest. Submitted to Ecology. 29pp + 6 figs.

Schaffranek, R.W., T.J. Smith III & C.W. Holmes. 2001. An investigation of the interrelation of Everglades hydrology and Florida Bay dynamics to ecosystem processe in South Florida. USGS Fact Sheet 049-01.

Smith III, T.J., A. Foster, P. Briere, J.W. Jones, & C. van Arsdall. 2002. Conversion of historical topographic sheets (T-sheets) from paper to digital form: the Florida Everglades and vicinity. U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Caribbean Science Center. Open File Report, FCSC-02-0001. CD-ROM.

Technical Presentations:

Anderson, G.H., T.M. Lavin & T.J. Smith III. Variations in peat hydraulic conductivity across a riparian mangrove forest near the Harney River, Everglades National Park. Estuarine Research Federation, 16th Biennial International Conference. 4-8 November 2001. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. Presented.

Anderson, G.H., A. van de Lockant, C. Walker, T.J. Smith III & T. Mullins. A spatial analysis of seasonal surface, soil and groundwater salinity variations from April 1997 to April 2000 across the coastal mangrove - freshwater marsh ecotone near the Harney River in Everglades National Park. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference. 11-15 December 2000. Naples, FL. Presented.

Anderson, G.H., W.K. Nuttle & T.J. Smith III. Restoration of sheetflow to Florida Bay: An assessment of modifications to the C-111 canal. 15th Biennial International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 25-30 September 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana. Presented. (Poster)

Ball, M. H. and R. W. Schaffranek, 2000, Regional Simulation of Inundation Patterns in the South Florida Everglades, in Eggleston, J. R., Embry, T. L., Mooney, R. H., Wedderburn, L., Goodwin, C. R., Hinkel, H. S., Pegram, K. M., and Enright, T.J., (compilers), U. S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem: 2000 Proceedings: Presentations made at the Greater Everglades Restoration Conference, December 11-15, 2000, Naples, FL, p. 319, U. S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem: 2000 Proceedings, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference, U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-449, pp. 10-11.

Ball, M. H. and R. W. Schaffranek, 2000, Water-surface Elevation and Water Depth Analyses Using a GIS Application, Proceedings of the AGU 2000 Spring Meeting, Washington, D. C.

Ball, M. H., R. W. Schaffranek, and A. L. Riscassi, 2000, Simulation of Seasonal Inundation Patterns in the South Florida Everglades, Presentations made at the Greater Everglades Restoration Conference, December 11-15, 2000, Naples, FL.

Cahoon, D.R., J.C. Lynch & T.J. Smith III. The effect of enhanced freshwater inflow on sedimentation and elevation change in mangrove forests of southwestern Florida. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference. 11-15 December 2000. Naples, FL. Presented.

Cahoon, D.R. & T.J. Smith III. Mangrove forest sediment elevation changes sea-level rise and the Florida Everglades hydrological restoration. U.S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem - Proceedings of the South Florida Restoration Science Forum. 17-19 May 1999. Boca Raton, FL. Open File Report 99-181, pgs. 6-7. Presented.

Carlson, P.R., L.A.Yarbro, P. Hoffman, T.J. Smith III, W. Sargent, F. Sargent, D. Smith, T. Armentano, J. Absten & J. Hunt. Mangrove mortality in Florida Bay: Interactions of natural and anthropogenic stressors. 15th Biennial International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 25-30 September 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana. Invited.

Foster, A.M. & T.J. Smith III. Changes in the mangrove / marsh ecotones of the Florida Everglades. Estuarine Research Federation, 16th Biennial International Conference. 4-8 November 2001. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. Presented.

Marshall, Jr., C.H., R.A. Pielke, Sr., L.T. Steyeart, T.M. Cronin, D.A. Willard, J.W. Jones, T.J. Smith III & J.R. Irons. Impact of land management practices in Florida on the regional climate of South Florida and the Everglades. 13th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations. 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society. 14-17 January 2002. Orlando, FL. Presented.

McIvor, C.C. & T.J. Smith III. Comparative ecology of representative estuarine wetlands in Tampa Bay. Estuarine Research Federation, 16th Biennial International Conference. 4-8 November 2001. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. Invited.

McIvor, C.C., T.J. Smith III, M.B. Robblee & L. Lefebvre. Impacts of hydrological restoration on three estuarine estuarine communities of the southwest Florida coast and on associated animal inhabitants. U.S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem - 2000 Proceedings. 11-15 December 2000. Naples, FL. Open File Report 00-449, pgs. 123-125. Presented.

Nuttle, W.K., T.J. Smith III & G.H. Anderson. Hydrologic exchange processes in mangroves down stream of Shark River Slough, Florida. 15th Biennial International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 25-30 September 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana. Presented. (Poster)

Riggs, D.M., M.A. Donnelly & T.J. Smith III. The influence of habitat on the distribution and abundance of small mammals in the southwest Everglades. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference. 11-15 December 2000. Naples, FL. Presented.

Romero, L.M., T.J. Smith III & J.W. Fourqurean. Influence of litter quality and site-specific conditions on the decay of wood from three mangrove species. 15th Biennial International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 25-30 September 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana. Presented. (Poster)

Saiers, J.E. & T.J. Smith III. Hydrologic variation and ecological processes in the mangrove forests of south Florida: Response to restoration. U.S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem - 2000 Proceedings. 11-15 December 2000. Naples, FL. Open File Report 00-449, pg. 136. Presented.

Saiers, J.E., C. Bolster & T.J. Smith III. Development and testing of a surface water flow model for Shark River Slough. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference. 11-15 December 2000. Naples, FL. Presented.

Smith III, T.J. & A. Foster. Global change effects on tropical coastal ecosystems, with special reference to the Florida Everglades. Presented at: The Big Unknowns in Global Change: Climatic, Biotic & Human Systems. A "State of the Art Conference" sponsored by the University of Georgia. 5-6 April 2001. Athens, GA. Invited.

Smith III, T.J. & C.C. McIvor. Understanding and predicting the effects of global climate change on the mangrove forested ecosystems of Florida. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. 3-7 June 2002. Lake Placid, NY. Invited (to be given).

Smith III, T.J. Physical forcings and vegetation patterns across mangrove / marsh ecotones in southwest Florida. Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Ecosystems Science Conference. 1-5 November 1999. Key Largo, FL. Presented. (Poster)

Smith III, T.J., D.R. Cahoon, J.C. Lynch, G.H. Anderson & N.A. Purcell. Groundwater, sediment elevation, sea-level rise and the longterm stability of mangrove forests in the Florida Everglades. Estuarine Research Federation, 16th Biennial International Conference. 4-8 November 2001. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. Presented.

Smith III, T.J. & K.R.T. Whelan. Pattern and process across low salinity mangrove - marsh ecotones in southwest Florida. 15th Biennial International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 25-30 September 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana. Invited. (Oral Presentation)

Smith III, T.J. & K.R.T. Whelan. Vegetation dynamics in land-margin ecosystems: The mangroves of South Florida. U.S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem - Proceedings of the South Florida Restoration Science Forum. 17-19 May 1999. Boca Raton, FL. Open File Report 99-181, pgs. 102-103. Presented.

Smith III, T.J., G.H. Anderson, W.K. Nuttle & J.E. Saiers. Hydrologic variation and ecological processes in the mangrove forests of South Florida. U.S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem - Proceedings of the South Florida Restoration Science Forum. 17-19 May 1999. Boca Raton, FL. Open File Report 99-181, pgs. 100-101. Presented.

Waddle, J.H., K.R.T. Whelan, K.G. Rice & T.J. Smith III. Anuran dynamics in a fringing riverine mangrove habitat. Estuarine Research Federation, 16th Biennial International Conference. 4-8 November 2001. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. Presented.

Whelan, K.R.T., T.J. Smith III & I. Van Leth. A preliminary investigation of gap dynamics in the mangroves of south Florida. Estuarine Research Federation, 16th Biennial International Conference. 4-8 November 2001. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. Presented.

Whelan, K.R.T., T.J. Smith III & C. Walker. Seedling dynamics across a mangrove - sawgrass ecotone in the southwest Florida Everglades. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference. 11-15 December 2000. Naples, FL. Presented.

Whelan, K.R.T. & T.J. Smith III. Recruitment of mangroves following catastrophic disturbance from Hurricane Andrew. Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Ecosystems Science Conference. 1-5 November 1999. Key Largo, FL. Presented. (Poster)

Whelan, K.R.T. & T.J. Smith III. Temporal patterns of recruitment in mangrove forests following catastrophic disturbance. 15th Biennial International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 25-30 September 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana. Presented. (Poster)

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 18 April, 2007 @ 01:21 PM(TJE)