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Link to RocketModeler Applet Link to KiteModeler Applet Link to GasLab Link to Atmosphere Applet

RocketModeler, KiteModeler, the Atmosphere Applet and the GasLab meet many of the National Mathematics and Science Standards.

National Mathematics Standards: Mathematics as Problem Solving, Mathematics as Reasoning, Mathematical Connections, Algebra, Functions, Geometry from an Algebraic Perspective, Trigonometry, Discrete Mathematics, Conceptual Underpinnings of Calculus, Mathematical Structure.
National Science Standards: Science as Inquiry, Physical Science, Life Science, Science and Technology, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives.

RocketModeler II was developed at the NASA Glenn Research Center in an effort to foster hands-on, inquiry-based learning in science and math. RocketModeler is a simulator that models the design and flight of a model rocket. The program works in two modes: Design Mode or Flight Mode. In the Design Mode, you can change design variables including the size of the rocket body, the fins, and the nose cone. You can also select different materials for each component. You can select from a variety of standard solid rocket engines. The program computes the center of gravity and pressure for your rocket and determines the stability. When you have a design that you like, you can switch to the Flight Mode (shown below), where you can launch your rocket and observe its flight trajectory. You can pause at any time to record data and then continue the flight through parachute deploy and recovery. This program has recently (Oct 8, 2004) been upgraded to support stomp rockets, bottle rockets, and ballistic shells in addition to solid model rockets. It also supports both English and metric units.

Non interactive image of RocketModeler Applet


Here is the procedure to download your own copy of RocketModeler:

  1. The downloaded file is in .ZIP format which you must store on your hard drive when prompted by your browser.
  2. Click Here to download a copy of Version 2.1f, RocketModler II Applet
  3. Click Here to download a copy of Version 1.2, RocketModler Applet
  4. Go to the directory where you have stored "" and open the program "WinZip".
  5. "Extract" all the files. If you skip this step, you will only see a grey box when you attempt to run RocketModeler.
  6. Click on rocket.html to launch your browser and load the driver program.

KiteModeler was developed in an effort to foster hands-on, inquiry-based learning in science and math. KiteModeler is a simulator that models the design, trimming, and flight of a kite. The program works in three modes: Design Mode, Trim Mode, or Flight Mode. In the Design Mode (shown below), you pick from five basic types of kite designs. You can then change design variables including the length and width of various sections of the kite. You can also select different materials for each component. When you have a design that you like, you switch to the Trim Mode where you set the length of the bridle string and tail and the location of the knot attaching the bridle to the control line. Based on your inputs, the program computes the center of gravity and pressure, the magnitude of the aerodynamic forces and the weight, and determines the stability of your kite. With a stable kite design, you are ready for Flight Mode. In Flight Mode you set the wind speed and the length of control line. The program then computes the sag of the line caused by the weight of the string and the height and distance that your kite would fly. Using all three modes, you can investigate how a kite flies, and the factors that affect its performance.

Non interactive image of KiteModeler Applet


Here is the procedure to download your own copy of KiteModeler:

  1. The downloaded file is in .ZIP format which you must store on your hard drive when prompted by your browser.
  2. Click Here to download a copy of Version 1.1, KiteModler Applet
  3. Go to the directory where you have stored "" and open the program "WinZip".
  4. "Extract" all the files. If you skip this step, you will only see a grey box when you attempt to run KiteModeler.
  5. Click on Kite.html to launch your browser and load the driver program.
  6. If you desire the full tutorial on the program operation, click on KiteModeler.html.

Atmosphere Applet: This program lets you study how the properties of the atmosphere change with altitude. You can study the atmosphere of either the Earth or Mars. The equations used in this program are taken from the ICAO standard day model for the Earth and from some curve fits of the Martian atmosphere gathered by the Global Surveyor spacecraft. Using the airplane graphic you can select an altitude, or you can type an altitude into the input box.

The program instantly outputs a selected property and displays the local temperature and pressure on gages. You can output the temperature, pressure, density, local speed of sound, Mach number for specified velocity, or the ratio of aircraft lift to the lift on Earth at sea level. Input and output can be given in either Enlish or metric units.

Non-interactive image of Atmosphere Applet

Here is the procedure to download your own copy of Atmosphere Applet:

  1. The downloaded file is in .ZIP format which you must store on your hard drive when prompted by your browser.
  2. Click Here to download a copy of Version 1.2, Atmosphere Applet
  3. Go to the directory where you have stored "" and open the program "WinZip".
  4. "Extract" all the files. If you skip this step, you will only see a grey box when you attempt to run AtmosModeler.
  5. Click on Atmos.html to launch your browser and load the driver program.

The GasLab: This is a series of computer animations which demonstrate all the possible combinations of the ideal gas law or equation of state. Gases have various properties which we can observe with our senses, including the gas pressure, temperature, mass, and the volume which contains the gas. Careful, scientific observation has determined that these variables are related to one another and the values of these properties determine the state of the gas. In a scientific manner, we can fix any two of the four primary properties and study the nature of the relationship between the other two by varying one and observing the variation of the other. The variations are demonstrated using computer graphics in the animated gas lab.

Non-interactive image of GasLab

Here is the procedure to download your own copy of The GasLab:

  1. The downloaded file is in .ZIP format which you must store on your hard drive when prompted by your browser.
  2. Click Here to download a copy of Version 1.0 GasLab.
  3. Go to the directory where you have stored "" and open the program "WinZip".
  4. "Extract" all the files. If you skip this step, you will only see a grey box when you attempt to run GasLab.
  5. Click on GasLab.html to launch your browser and load the driver program.

This software is in the Public Domain. It may be freely copied and used in non-commercial products, assuming proper credit to the author is given. IT MAY NOT BE RESOLD. If you want to use the software for commercial products, contact the author.

No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. This software is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including but not limited to, any warranty that the software will conform to specifications, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from infringement, and any warranty that the documentation will conform to the program, or any warranty that the software will be error free.

In no event shall NASA be liable for any damages, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, arising out of, resulting from, or in any way connected with this software, whether or not based on warranty, contract, tort or otherwise, whether or not injury was sustained by persons or property or otherwise, and whether or not loss was sustained from or arose out of the results of, or use of, the software or services provided hereunder.


Button to Display Aerodynamics Index Button to Display Model Rocket Index Button to Display Kite Index
Beginner's Guide to Aerodynamics
Beginner's Guide to High Speed Aerodynamics
Beginner's Guide to Propulsion
Beginner's Guide to Model Rockets
Beginner's Guide to Kites
Wind Tunnel Pages
Free Software
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Beginner's Guide Home Page
Aeronautics Resources
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Editor: Tom Benson
NASA Official: Tom Benson
Last Updated: Jul 14 2008

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