URL of this page: http://www.genome.gov/10000464

Online Genetics Education Resources

Access Excellence
A series of learning modules on multiple science and health topics, including biotech and genetics. Sponsored by the National Health Museum, a non-profit organization founded by former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop.

Accessible Genetics Research Ethics Education
A series of Web-based educational modules on ethics and genomics research that are available free of charge.

American Medical Association - Family History Tools
Tools for gathering family history.

Current Topics in Genome Analysis 2008
A 15-lecture series covering the major areas of genomics.

Department of Genome Sciences Education Outreach Project
Innovative programs that bring laboratory science and materials to K-12 students and teachers. Directed by the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, Wash.

Diving into the Gene Pool
An online exhibition exploring genetics and the Human Genome Project from a variety of perspectives. Produced by the Exploratorium, San Francisco, Calif.

The DNA Files
A series of 14 one-hour public radio documentaries and related information.

DNA from the Beginning
An animated primer on the basics of DNA, genes and heredity.

DNA Interactive
DNA and genome-related teaching guides and lesson builders, personalized Web pages, My DNA, student activities, more.

Dolan Learning Center
Dolan's mission is to prepare students and families to thrive in the gene age, envisioning a day when all elementary students are exposed to principles of genetics and disease risk; when all high school students have the opportunity to do hands-on experiments with DNA; and when all families have access to genetic information they need to make informed health care choices. Includes an interactive DNA timeline.

Foundation for Genetic Education and Counseling
Genetics and common diseases, especially psychiatric disorders.

Foundations of Classical Genetics
Complete versions of classic genetics works written between 350 A.D. and 1932.

Information for health professionals about hundreds of genetic tests.

Genetic Counseling Program
Clinical and educational information related to genetic counseling.

Genetic Science Learning Center
From the Eccles Institute of Human Genetics at the Univeristy of Utah, a Web site created to help people understand how genetics affects their lives and society.

Genetic Testing: What It Means For Your Health and Your Family's Health
From the Trans-NIH Genetics Working Group for the Public

Genetics and Disease Prevention Information
Resources on genetics, including journals, reports and fact sheets. Also inlcudes online mulitmedia presentations ranging from basic genetics to latest research.

Genetics and Molecular Medicine (American Medical Association)
Links to current articles and other resources

Genetics and Your Practice
A practical "how to" site on clinical genetics from the March of Dimes.

Genetics at About.Com
Genetics Web resources featured at About.Com, a homework help site.

Genetics Education Center
A comprehensive listing of genetics education resources, including networking sites, documentary films, lectures, booklets, activities, and programs. Compiled by the Genetics Education Center, University of Kansas Medical Center.

Genetics Education Partnership
Teacher instruction guides, curricula, classroom activities and suggested outreach activities on genetics. Produced by the Genetics Education Partnership, a coalition of Washington state teachers and genetics professionals committed to genetics teaching.

Genetics: Educational Information
Medical school courses in genetics, some with syllabi.

Genetics Home Reference
Provides consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes or chromosomes responsible for those conditions.

Genetics in Clinical Practice: A Team Approach
Virtual Genetics Clinic.

Genetics in Primary Care
Training program curriculum materials.

Genetics in Psychology
The American Psychological Association's site about genetics.

Genetics Program for Nursing Faculty
Links to genetics resources of particular interest to nurses.

Genetics Origins
Provides biochemical methods and computer tools to allow students to use their own DNA "fingerprints" as a starting point in the study of human evolution.

Genome Gateway
Comprehensive Web resource on genetic information. Hosted by Nature Publishing Company.

Genome News Network (The Center for the Advancement of Genomics)
Original articles and links

The Genomic Resource Centre
From the World Health Organization, provides information and raises awareness on human genomics.

The Genomic Revolution
An online exhibit about genomics. Produced by the American Museum of Natural History, N.Y.

The Human Genome
Comprehensive one-stop genomic information center. Hosted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

Human Genome Epidemiology Network (HuGENet)
Hosted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), an international collaboration for sharing population-based human genome epidemiologic information.

Human Genome Project Education Resources
An extensive collection of publications, teaching aids, and additional internet resources. Hosted by the Human Genome Program of the U.S. Department of Energy.

Clinical practice tools.

Information for Genetics Professionals
Educational, clinical, and research resources.

Mendel's papers in English and German and related materials.

National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics
Core competencies in genetics and reviews of education programs.

National Library of Medicine: PubMed
Basic search engine for biomedical research, including research and commentary regarding clinical research ethics and regulations.

National Newborn Screening and Genetics Resource Center: Genetic Education Materials Database
Search engine for clinical issues.

The New Genetics: A Resource for Students and Teachers
Links to genetic education resources.

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
Information about human genes and disease.

Science News Presented by BIO (Biotechnology Industry Organization)
Links to current articles

Terrific Science: National DNA Day, April 25, 2008
See how teachers and students celebrated National DNA Day 2008. Developed by the Miami University of Ohio.

Tokyo Medical University Genetics Study Group
The Tokyo Medical University Genetics Study Group developed this animated site to help provide better visual understanding of how chromosome abnormalities occur.

Understanding Gene Testing
An informative, illustrated tutorial on genes and genetic testing. Hosted by the National Cancer Institute.

What's a Genome?
An informative overview of genomics presented by the Genome News Network. Topics include: What's a Genome?, What's Genome Sequencing? and What's a Genome Map?

Your Genes Your Health
A multimedia guide to genetics disorders.

Your Genome
Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Your Genome provides an introduction to the main concepts of DNA, genes & genomes, focusing on basic questions such as "What is a genome?" and "What are genes?" There is also an introduction to the Human Genome Project and much more.

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Last Updated: June 16, 2008