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U.S. Department of Energy
Keeping water away from nuclear waste
Keeping water away from nuclear waste
Using Science to Solve Problems

Throughout history, people have used science to solve problems. In fact, we can define science as using what we know to figure out better ways of doing things. The more we know, the more we can solve difficult problems.

Scientists are also using what we know to come up with a way to safely dispose of nuclear waste so that it can never harm people or the environment. To do this, we need to solve some very difficult problems:
  • Nuclear waste will stay radioactive for thousands and thousands of years, so we need to figure out how to store it so it won't ever harm people or the environment.

  • If enough water contacted the nuclear waste, over a long, long time, it could eventually cause it to rust and corrode (like rust affects a bicycle if you leave it out in wet weather for a long time). The rust on nuclear waste would also be radioactive and water could carry tiny radioactive particles from the rust into people's drinking water. If the water ends up having enough of these particles in it, people who drink a lot of that water could get sick. So we need to figure out ways to keep the waste dry for thousands and thousands of years.

How would you solve these problems?

Last reviewed 06/07