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U.S. Department of Energy
A nuclear power plant
A nuclear power plant

The Problem of Nuclear Waste

Imagine what your house would be like if no one EVER took out the garbage. Not only would your home be dirty and stinky, but it would also be a very unhealthy place to live. To stay healthy, we need to take our garbage out.

What if we took out the garbage, but let it pile up in our yards? Over time, our neighborhoods would become very unhealthy places to live. So we have sanitary workers pick up our garbage and properly dispose of it in landfills.

Right now, nuclear waste is piling up in a lot of places around the country. But nuclear waste is not like normal garbage. Most of the waste is large metal rods that are no longer useful for making electricity at nuclear power plants. Other nuclear waste is from government programs and is made of a solid glass-like material inside sealed metal canisters.

All of the nuclear waste is very radioactive. It gives off invisible energy rays that can make people sick and even die. Nuclear waste will stay radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years.

Right now, we store nuclear waste in special buildings and containers that are safe for a certain amount of time. But it isn't right to let the waste keep piling up and expect someone else to take care of it later on. We must be responsible for our nuclear waste and put in a place where it can never harm people or the environment.

Last reviewed 06/07