Welcome to the Department of Rehabilitation - 
Employment, Independence, & Equality



If you are a consumer, and it is determined within your Individualized Plan for Employment that you require transportation services to access or participate in vocational rehabilitation services, then we may provide them. We do not provide transportation as a single service. The DOR assists with the least expensive mode of transportation that is appropriate for each individual’s needs.

Depending on the individual circumstance, transportation services may include, but are not limited to, the purchase of a bus pass, paratransit services, and/or vehicle modification/purchase. All transportation needs are evaluated and approved as part of an overall comprehensive assessment. You and your counselor will determine the most appropriate service for your situation.

DOR has a limited vehicle modification/purchase program for individuals. DOR considers many factors in determining if a mobility evaluation is appropriate.

For more information on mobility evaluation and other transportation resources visit the DOR Mobility Evaluation Program web page.

If the DOR is not assisting with your transportation services, the following links may be helpful.

The Asisstive Technology Network (AT Network) - An information and referral service, providing referrals for assistive technology services and devices including modified vehicles.

The California Assistive Technology Exchange (CATE) - Providing information and assistance with the Low-Interest Loan Guarantee Program as well as Assistive Technology Device Loan and Reutilization Programs.

Loan Guarantee Program - The Transportation Loan Guarantee Program is provided through California Assistive Technology Exchange (CATE). A person with a disability who requires a modified vehicle may be eligible for the program.