Journal of Undergraduate Research

Office of Science
US Department of Energy
Volume V, 2005

Front Section (pdf)


Student Papers

Electrical and Morphological Properties of Inkjet Printed PEDOT/PSS Films (pdf)
Erik Garnett, David Ginley

Measuring Glass Thickness of a Reference cell Used in a Polarized 3He Experiment (pdf)
Nathan Justis, Jian-Ping Chen

Detection of Perchlorate Anion on Functionalized Silver Colloids Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (pdf)
Jacqueline Tio, Wei Wang, and Baohua Gu

Use of Constrained Fits to Improve Mass Resolution in Particle Physics (pdf)
Tanya Ostapenko, M.D. Mestayer

Testing of High-Resolution Si and Ge Analyzers for X-ray Raman Scattering and X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (pdf)
Kevin W. Reynolds, Uwe Bergmann

High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy with a Microcalorimeter (pdf)
Johannes Norrell, Ian Anderson

Marginal Stability Studies of Microturbulence Near ITB Onset on Alcator C-Mod (pdf)
Jessica Baumgaertel, M.H. Redi, R. V. Budny, D. C. McCune, W. Dorland, C. L. Fiore

Arsenic Sulfide Nanowire Formation on Fused Quartz Surfaces (pdf)
Juliana Olmstead, Brian J. Riley, Bradley R. Johnson, S.K. Sundaram

Erosion Studies of EUVL Candidate Collector Mirror Materials in the Impact Experiment (pdf)
Daniel L. Rokusek, Jean P. Allain, Ahmed Hassanein, Martin Nieto

Conductivity Analysis of Membranes for High-Temperature PEMFC Applications (pdf)
R. Reed, J.A. Turner

A New Method for the Detection of Galaxy Clusters in X-ray Surveys (pdf)
J.M. Piacentine, P.J. Marshall, J.R. Peterson, K.E. Andersson

Analytical Methodologies for Detection of Gamma-valerolactone, Delta-valerolactone, Acephate, and Azinphos Methyl and Their Associated Metabolites in Complex Biological Matrices (pdf)
Erika Zink, Ryan Clark, Karen Grant, James Campbell, and Eric Hoppe

Examining Rhodium Catalyst Complexes for Use with Conducting Polymers Designed for Fuel Cells in Preparing Biosensors (pdf)
Melisa M. Carpio, John B. Kerr

Cotton Study: Albumin Binding and its Effect on Elastase Activity in the Chronic Non-healing Wound (pdf)
Nathan Castro, Steve Goheen

Modeling DNA Repair: Approaching in Vivo Techniques in the Hyperthermophile Sulfolobus solfataricus (pdf)
Jessica Blanton , Jill Fuss, Steven M. Yannone, John A. Tainer, Priscilla K. Cooper

Student Abstracts (pdf)

Biology p110
Chemistry p131
Computer Science p140
Engineering p152
Environmental Science p175
General Sciences p185
Materials Sciences p187
Medical and Health Sciences p195
Nuclear Science p199
Physics p204
Science Policy p222
Waste Management p222


Back of the Book (pdf)

Index of Authors
Index of Schools
Programs offered by DOE Office of Science, Workforce Development

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