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Advanced Research
Coal Utilization Sciences
  Combustion of pulverized coal in flat-flame burner with laser diagnostics.

Combustion of pulverized coal in flat-flame burner with laser diagnostics.

NETL’s Advanced Research Coal Utilization Science (CUS) Program is a crosscutting research and development effort whose goal is to expand our basic understanding of the underlying chemical and physical processes involved in utilizing coal. A fundamental knowledge of these processes will also help us to understand the barriers to coal utilization.

The CUS Program conducts R&D that directly benefits developers, designers, manufacturers, and operators in their efforts to improve the efficiency and environmental performance of advanced power systems.  Currently, the CUS Program is focused on two areas of investigation:

CUS R&D has already had a noteworthy success: Under the DOE-Western Research Institute (WRI) Jointly Sponsored Research Program, investigators have developed a process to remove mercury from coal prior to combustion. This falls under the Advanced Research Program’s broad mandate to conduct research that supports the development of technologies for clean, efficient electric power generation.