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[Note: This document has been incorporated into and/or superseded by Statewide Transportation Planning; Metropolitan Transportation Planning; Final Rule (effective 3/16/07) (or PDF, 395KB); February 14, 2007, Federal Register.] To view PDF files, you need the Acrobat® Reader®.

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SUBJECT: INFORMATION/GUIDANCE: Transition and Implementation of SAFETEA-LU Planning Provisions
FROM: Gloria Shepherd
TO: Attention of Division Office Planning Staffs
DATE: December 08, 2005

The purpose of this message is to provide additional "clarifying information/guidance" on the transition and implementation of the SAFETEA-LU planning provisions.

Since the issuance of the FHWA/FTA Interim Guidance on Implementation of SAFETEA-LU Planning Provisions on September 2, 2005, a number of questions have been posed by FHWA Division Offices, FTA Regional Offices, State DOTs, public transportation operators, and MPOs on the period between August 10, 2005 (SAFETEA-LU enactment date) and July 1, 2007 (the SAFETEA-LU requirement for full implementation of the planning provisions). The attached document developed in conjunction with the FTA Office of Systems Planning provides clarified information on addressing this transition.

Well in advance of July 1, 2007, we ask that the FHWA Division Offices and FTA Regional Offices work closely with the States, MPOs, and public transportation operators to cooperatively assess their existing transportation planning processes and mechanisms relative to the SAFETEA-LU provisions and define key process and/or product "gaps" to be addressed. Moreover, above and beyond the update cycles for metropolitan transportation plans, States and MPOs should begin reviewing and assessing their processes and update cycles for TIPs and STIPs, since projects reflected in the TIP and STIP must be consistent with the respective transportation plans.

If you have any further questions on this clarifying information, please contact either John Humeston or Harlan Miller of the Planning Oversight and Stewardship Team (on transportation planning issues) or Emily Tait or Gary Jensen of the Office of Natural and Human Environment (on transportation conformity issues).


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