

Management And Planning Series

1. PROBLEMS IN MANAGING A FAMILY-OWNED BUSINESS MP-3:   Specific problems exist when attempting to make a family-owned business successful. This publication offers suggestions on how to overcome these difficulties.

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2. BUSINESS PLAN FOR SMALL MANUFACTURERS MP-4:   Designed to help an owner/manager of a small manufacturing firm, this publication covers all the basic information necessary to develop an effective business plan.

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3. BUSINESS PLAN FOR SMALL CONSTRUCTION FIRMS MP-5:   This publication is designed to help an owner/manager of a small construction company pull together the resources to develop a business plan.

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4. PLANNING AND GOAL SETTING FOR SMALL BUSINESS MP-6:   Learn proven management techniques to help you plan for success.

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5. BUSINESS PLAN FOR THE SMALL RETAILER MP-9:   Business plans are essential road maps for success. Learn how to develop a business plan for a retail business.

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 6. BUSINESS PLAN FOR SMALL SERVICE FIRMS MP-11:   Outlines the key points to be included in the business plan of a small service firm.

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7. CHECK-LIST FOR GOING INTO BUSINESS MP-12:   This is a must if you're thinking about starting a business. It highlights the important factors you should know in reaching a decision to start your own business.

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9. COMPUTERIZING YOUR BUSINESS MP-14: Helps you forecast your computer needs, evaluate the alternatives and select the right computer system for your business.

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10. BUSINESS PLAN FOR HOME-BASED BUSINESS MP-15:  Provides a comprehensive approach to developing a business plan for a home-based business.

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12. INSURANCE OPTIONS FOR BUSINESS CONTINUATION PLANNING MP-20:  This publication discusses the life insurance needs of a small business owner and how important business life insurance is when planning for the future of business.

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13. INTRODUCTION TO STRATEGIC PLANNING MP-21:   This best seller helps you develop a strategic action plan for your small business.

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14. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT MP-22:  Discusses the purpose of inventory management, types of inventories, record keeping and forecasting inventory levels.

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 15. SELECTING THE LEGAL STRUCTURE FOR YOUR BUSINESS MP-25:   Discusses the various legal structures that a small business can use in setting up operations. It identifies types of legal structures and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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16. EVALUATING FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITIES MP-26:   Evaluate franchise opportunities and select the business that's right for you.

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17. SMALL BUSINESS INSURANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT GUIDE MP-28:   This guide can help you strengthen your insurance program by identifying, minimizing and eliminating business risks.

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18. HOW TO START A QUALITY CHILD CARE BUSINESS:  This comprehensive manual developed by child care professionals in both private and public sectors, explains the business and academic dimensions of operating a child care center.

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19. CHILD DAY-CARE SERVICES MP-30:   An overview of the industry, including models of day-care operations.

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 20. HANDBOOK FOR SMALL BUSINESS MP-31:   Handy information for getting started - in a new publication developed by the SBA's Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE).

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21. HOW TO WRITE A BUSINESS PLAN MP-32:   What you need to know to write a good plan at the start. It can save your business down the line.

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