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Delaware River Basin - Includes Selected Tributaries, Reservoirs, and Cities/Towns - Yellow Delaware River Basin Map 1 PDF Basin Map 1 (142 KB)
Delaware River Basin - Includes Selected Tributaries, Reservoirs, and Cities/Towns - White and Green  Delaware River Basin Map 2 PDF Basin Map 2 (150 KB)
Delaware River Basin with County Boundaries, plus Selected Tributaries, Reservoirs, and Cities/Towns - White and Green Delaware River Basin Map 2 With Counties PDF Basin Map 2 With Counties (367 KB)
Delaware River Basin - Shaded Relief Delaware River Basin Shaded Relief Map 1 PDF Shaded Relief Map 1 (468 KB)
Delaware River Basin - Shaded Relief Delaware River Basin Shaded Relief Map 2 PDF Shaded Relief Map 2 (441 KB)

Drainage Area for Special Protection Waters (SPW) Regulations


SPW Drainage Area Map


Reservoirs for Interstate Flow Management in the Delaware River Basin and Selected Tributaries

Drought Management Background

Reservoirs Map With Storage Capacities

PDF Reservoirs Map With Storage Capacities (663 KB)

PDF Reservoirs Map With Counties (375 KB)

Delaware River Basin with County Boundaries, plus Selected Tributaries and Cities/Towns, White and Gray  

PDF Basin Map With Counties 2 (763 KB)

Delaware River Basin with County Boundaries, Yellow and Green Delaware River Basin Map With Counties 1 PDF Basin Map With Counties 1 (337 KB)
Delaware River Basin Delaware River Basin Map 3 (this map includes some basic facts) PDF Basin Map 3 (187 KB)

U.S. Congressional Districts and Representatives in the Delaware River Basin (Updated January 2007)

List of U.S. Representatives


PDF U.S. Congressional Districts (1.6 MB)

Watersheds of the Delaware River Basin (Divided into upper, central, lower, and bay regions)   PDF Watersheds of the Delaware River Basin Map (3.4 MB)
Interstate Water Quality Zones for the Main Stem Delaware River (Zones are designated based on usage of the river at particular locations; examples of usages include navigation, wildlife, fish, or other aquatic life, public water supply, agriculture, industry, and recreation. Zones 1A - 1E represent the non-tidal portion of the river, and zones 2 - 6 represent the tidal, or estuarine, portions of the river.) Main Stem Delaware River Interstate Water Quality Zones Map

PDF Main Stem Delaware River Interstate Water Quality Zones Map (1.4 MB)

Non-Tidal Delaware River (Stretching from Hancock, N.Y. to Trenton, N.J.) Non-Tidal Delaware River Map PDF Non-Tidal Delaware River Map (1.25 MB)

Stretches of the Delaware River and Tributaries in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System


Wild and Scenic Delaware Map PDF Wild and Scenic Delaware Map
(436 KB)

Southeastern Pennsylvania Ground Water Protected Area (GWPA)


GWPA Map PDF GWPA Map (308 KB) - (this map differs from the on-line version)

Interstate Christina River Basin Drainage Area, Including Municipalities


  PDF Christina River Basin Map
(694 KB)
Schuylkill River Recreation Maps Available for Sale (Updated in 2003)    

* Interactive Recreational Map (Includes Watershed Associations)

Press Release

I-Map DelBasin

* Interactive Map of Major Sub-Watersheds in the Delaware River Basin Watershed Information Map  
* Interactive Map of United States Geological Survey's (USGS) Streamflow Gage Stations in the Delaware River Basin USGS Flow Gage Stations Map  

Boat Sewage Disposal Facilities Along Delaware River and Bay


  PDF Boat Sewage Disposal Map (179 KB)

(* for best results, view interactive maps using Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser)

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Return to Ed. Web Home Page

Delaware River Basin Commission
P.O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360
" " Voice (609) 883 - 9500 ext. 260
" "FAX (609) 883 - 9522
