Export.gov logo and link to Export.gov Aerospace Industries



We can help you to find suppliers!

The goal of the Aerospace Team, as part of the International Trade Administration of the United States Department of Commerce, is to promote U.S. aerospace products and services to businesses and governments in other countries.  We have listed below some of the ways we can help you, and where to get additional information:

1.  Contact the U.S. Embassy's Commercial or Economic Section:

You may contact the Commercial Service Officers of the United States Embassy in your country. Generally, the Commercial Service offices are located in capitals of nearly 70 countries outside the United States. The mission of the Commercial Service is to help American companies increase sales and market share around the world, so naturally they would provide you with the utmost assistance in identifying and contacting U.S. aerospace companies.

2.  Subscribe to Export America:

Export America an export marketing magazine promoting U.S. products and services worldwide. To receive this publication, contact their website or U.S. Embassy's Commercial or Economic Section in your country.

3.  NEW!!! BuyUSA.com On-line Matchmaker:

The U.S. Commercial Service has recently launched an on-line matchmaker website that allows foreign buyers to easily find lists U.S. suppliers. Visit BuyUSA.com today!

4.  Look up information:

If you have access to the Internet, please take advantage of on-line information from Thomas Register.  Product and contact information on 155,000 companies are available through its website, in print, and on CD-ROM.

5.  U.S. Aerospace Associations:

There are several associations that help organize, promote and represent various sectors of the U.S. aerospace community. Please visit a list of U.S. Aerospace Associations.

6.  U.S. Aerospace Companies:

The Aerospace Team does not endorse any one U.S. aerospace company but does provide a list of those companies that were interested in having our website link to the their own website. Please vist the list of U.S. Aerospace Companies.



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U.S. Department of Commerce | International Trade Administration | Manufacturing and Services