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Information on How To Search the US Court of Federal Claims Website

General Jurisdiction, Vaccines, Attached PDF's (Opinions and Decisions) and all content posted to the US Court of Federal Claims Website are searchable. (Click on the links to search the specific content.)

The General Jurisdiction and Vaccine fields that can be searched are:

  1. Case Title - will search the title of the Opinion / Decision.
  2. Keywords -will search the summary of the Opinion / Decision. (Not all cases have this information entered.)
  3. Case Number - will search the case or cases of the single Opinion / Decision
  4. Judge (for General Jurisdiction Cases) - will search on one or more Judge or exclude one or more Judge that ruled on a case.
  5. Special Master (for Vaccine Cases) - will search on one or more Special Master or exclude one or more Judge that ruled on a case.
  6. Filed Year - will narrow search based on the year that the Opinion / Decision was filed.
  7. Filed Month - will narrow search based on the month that the Opinion / Decision was filed.
  8. Filed Day - will narrow search based on the day that the Opinion / Decision was filed.

When searching the Attached PDF's or Content, the search format is:

  1. The logic operator AND is assumed when two or more search terms are entered.
  2. To search with the logic operator OR, place the word OR (must be in caps) between the search terms.
  3. To search an extact phrase, put quotes around the search terms.