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gfdl's home page > gfdl on-line bibliography > 1984: Numerical Long-Range Forecasting Numerical Forecast Verification, 332-336

Experiments of dynamic monthly forecasts

Miyakoda, K., J. Sirutis, and J. Ploshay, 1984: Experiments of dynamic monthly forecasts. In Numerical Long-Range Forecasting Numerical Forecast Verification, Washington, DC: U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 332-336.
Abstract: This is a progress report and follow-up of "Three cases of one-month GCM forecasts" (Caverly, et al., 1981). Each case includes an ensemble of three individual integrations, starting with three different initial conditions produced at GFDL, NMC, and ECMWF and prescribing the climatological sea surface temperature as the lower boundary condition. Monthly forecasts with the N48L9-F model and examples of verification statistics are presented. The experiment with four winter cases indicates that there is some skill in the mean height prognosis.
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last modified: August 17 2007.